Buddha-kapala Tantra, 9-14
pp. xxi-Abbreviations of book-titles
BKT = Buddha-kapala Tantra |
JV = Jn~ana-vati by Sara-ha |
TC = Tattva-candrika by Padma-vajra |
AP = Abhaya-paddhati by Abhayakaragupta |
NYA = Nis.panna-yoga-avali by Abhayakaragupta |
General Remarks
1.1._ |
title |
pp. |
_.1 |
Buddha-kapala Tantra |
xxxi-xxxiii |
_.2 |
Its Indian Commentaries |
xxxiv-xxxvii |
Annotated Translation
__ capitulum |
title |
pp. |
9th |
Post-initiatory practice |
43 to 52 |
10th |
Caelestial herb |
53 to 72 |
11th |
Vidya-dhara making |
73 to 84 |
12th |
Magical applications of mantras |
85 to 100 |
13th |
Complete purification of mind |
101 to 110 |
14th |
Requaesting of the wisdom consort |
111 to 119 |
Appendix 3 = Synopsis of BKT 9 to 14
synopsis of __ capitulum |
pp. |
9th |
201 to 202 |
10th |
203 |
11th |
204 |
12th |
205 to 207 |
13th |
208 to 209 |
14th |
210 to 211 |
1.1.1 |
Buddha-kapala Tantra |
pp. xxxi-xxxiv |
pp. xxxi-xxxii “the text handed down to us contains 14 chapters”
p. |
# |
cap.: __ pat.ala |
xxxi |
1st |
Pustaka-nis`caran.a-kapala-sphot.ana |
xxxii |
2nd |
Chara-prayoga-nana-karma-nis`caya-mantra |
3rd |
Devata-nis`patti-secana |
4th |
S`alika-karan.a Udaka-karan.a |
5th |
Divya-os.adhi-sandhyabhas.a |
6th |
Ghora-man.d.ala-s`is.ya-abhis.eka |
7th |
Man.d.ala-heruka-nis.patti-bhavana |
8th |
Homa-viddhi |
9th |
Carya |
10th |
Divyam aus.adhi-ivandhya-snana-vidhi |
11th |
Vidhyadhara-karan.a Upades`a-nis`caya |
12th |
Nana-mantra-prayoga |
13th |
Citta-vis`uddhi |
14th |
Japa-mudra-adhyes.an.a-sarva-tantra-nidana |
p. xxxiii its source in a earlier tradition; and its influence on later writings
“(Carya) as described in the ninth chapter of the Buddha-kapalatantra … reflects a strong influence from the Vidyapit.ha Kapalika mode.” |
[fn. 8 : “DAVIDSON (2002:247-248) has also called BKT a 'work … self-consciously … in imitation of Kapalika S`aivism'.”] |
“BKT itself was quoted in such later works as the anonymous Subhas.ita[-]samgraha [62], the Yoga[-]ratna[-]mala [156]of Kan.ha; and the Sekkodes`a[-]t.ika] [189] of Naropa.” |
Davidson 2002 = Ronald M. Davidson : Indian Esoteric Buddhism. NY : Columbia U Pr.
p. xxxiii its authorship
“According to Bu[-]ston, the Five Scriptures of Saraha {S`ara[-ura]-ha} (Saraha>i Cho lNa) are among a list of seven works belonging to the Buddhakapala cycle. |
And Tara[-]natha recorded that BKT was invited by Saraha to the world of human being[s].” (Chimpa & Chattopadhyaya 1970:343) |
“the Apabhrams`a verse at the end of the ninth chapter of BKT corresponds to one of the verses in the Doha[-]giti[-]kos`a attributed to Saraha.” |
Chimpa & Chattopadhyaya 1970 = Chimpa & Alaka Chattopadhyaya : Taranatha's History of Buddhism in India. Simla : Indian Institute of Advanced Study.
1.1.2 |
Its Indian Commentaries |
pp. xxxiv-xxxvii |
pp. xxxiv-xxxv the 3 commentaries
p. xxxiv |
S`ri-buddha-kapala-tantra-pan~jika Jn~ana-vati ; Buddha-kapala-tantrasya Pan~jika Tattva-candrika ; and S`ri-buddha-kapala-mahatantra-rajat.ika Abhaya-paddhati . |
p. xxxv |
“Among these three commentaries, … (… JV) and … (… TC) are only available in Tibetan, the … (… AP) is preserved both in Sanskrit and Tibetan.” |
xxxviii the language of the Buddha-kapala Tantra
The Buddha[-]kapala[-]tantra is written in non-standard Sanskrit , which is defined by Abhayakaragupta as ars.a; it also contains verses written in Apabhrams`a.” |
9th |
Post-initiatory practice |
43 to 52 |
9:1 pp. 43-4 post-initiatory observance
p. 43 |
“the chapter on the post-initiatory observance (carya[-]pat.alam) [fn. 1 : “This rendering of carya is the same as that chosen in TANEMURA's paper (2008) on carya … .”], which is very difficult to obtain (sudurlabham), |
p. 44 |
and according to which … a Yogin may perform all post-initiatory observance(s) … with a truly excellent lady (atyantavarangana).” [fn. 5 : “In … the Hevajratantra (HeTa I.vi.8-9) … atyantavarangana refers to a Yogini initiated by the Yogin himself.”] |
Tanemura 2008 = Tanemura Ryugen : Kuladatta's Kriyasamgrahapan~jika … and annotated translation … . Groningen : Egbert Forsten.
10th |
Caelestial herb |
53 to 72 |
10:6-7, 10, 18 pp. 55-6, 58, 61-2 the herb for rasa-ayana groweth on the mountain in the moon
10:6-7 |
p. 55 |
“Great Goddess! … What is the great herb |
p. 56 |
… by which … a barren woman can have a son and the dead revive and never fall into death again?” |
10:10 |
p. 58 |
“the supreme marvelous herb … abides [in] … the vein {psychic channel} named Rasani”. |
10:18 |
p. 61 |
“At that time … [when] the [dark-skinned] lady is in menstruation, … visualize the Moon (candra) smeared with mercury … . |
{Is this menstruation aequivalent to Ren.uka's “water without a vessel”, or the moon to her “jar” (W&MS, p. 262)?} |
p. 62 |
[But] before that [fn. 48 : “before visualizing HRIH. {/HRIS/ is etymologically cognate with Hellenic /KHRIStos/ 'anointed, smeared'}, cf. AP 10.14 and JV 10.31.”] … that [“the moon”] is decorated with |
the [mountain-]king Meru”. [fn. 49 : “meru[-]raja stands for the syllable SUM” {of /SOMa/ the lunar herb}.] |
{/Meru/ is the name of a mountain in Tanganyika; and of a woman in Zambia troubled by a dead hunter's extracted tooth (AH, pp. 1-2) “for a couple of axe heads” (AH, p. 6); which tooth-extraction for axe-heads may be comparable with how “According to the Brahman.d.a Puran.a (3.42), Paras`u-Rama once fought Gan.apati. During the fight his axe was broken. In his anger he broke the tusk {a variety of tooth} of Gan.apati.” (HP, p. 172) |
W&MS = Anne-Marie Korte : Women and Miracle Stories : a Multidisciplinary Exploration. NUMEN BK SER, 88. Brill, Leiden, 2004. http://books.google.com/books?id=E9IawerQz10C&pg=PA264&lpg=PA264&dq=
AH =
Edfith Turner : Among the Healers. Praeger Publ
(an imprint of Greenwood Publ), 2006.
HP =
Alain Danie'lou : Hindu Polytheism. BOLLINGEN
SER. 1964.
10:29-30 p. 67 effects of this herbal rasa-ayana
10:29 |
“in [“obtaining”] the superb herb … a man lives ten millions of Kalpas, or even as long as Buddha's wisdom [exists]. |
{This may be an allusion to Jamad-agni's becoming a star (BhP 9:16:24); as shall in the 8th manu-antara his son Paras`u-Rama (BhP 9:16:25).} {“shall ... turn many to ... stars for ever and ever.” (Dani^>el 12:3)} |
10:30 |
Now … a son for a barren woman; just after |
the bathing [fn. 74 : “bathing by spyan ma / Locana and other (goddesses), cf. JV 10.40.”] [“accompanied”] by union (samyogen.a), |
{This is an allusion to the sexual water-sport of the Gandharva Citra-ratha of Mr.ttikavati with the Ap-saras goddesses, as observed by heroine Ren.uka (Mbh 3:116; BhP 9:16:3).} |
she will immediately become pregnant with a son.” |
{This may be an allusion to the birth of Viduratha (BhP 9:24:18).} |
BhP 9:16:24 = http://www.bhagavata.org/canto9/chapter16.html#Text 24
Mbh 3:116 = http://books.google.com/books?id=2QG_ZgsM13IC&pg=PA445&lpg=PA445&dq=
Dani^>el 12:3 = http://bible.cc/daniel/12-3.htm
BhP 9:16:3 = http://vedabase.net/sb/9/16/3/
BhP 9:24:18 = http://www.bhagavata.org/canto9/chapter24.html#Text%2016-18
11th |
The 2 Vidya-dhara-s |
73 to 84 |
11:1-2, 13 pp. 73-4, 82 the Garud.a-yoga man.d.ala of Buddha-kapala, to cure snakebite
11:1 |
p. 73 |
“I will teach the chapter on the Garud.ayoga (pat.alam garud.ayogajam).” [fn. 1 : “the chapter arising from the Garud.ayoga”] |
11:2 |
p. 74 |
“The wise [“Yogin”] should generate |
{It is truly absurd to speak of a mortal's “generating” any immortal deity (for, immortals may generate mortals, not the other way around); it would be more permissible to speak of (as commonly in Taoist literature) “visualizing” a deity.} |
the Heruka [“in the center”] and the eight [fn. 3 : “with Citra[-]sena; … the other seven Goddesses are Kamini, Patala[-]vasini, Saubhadra, S`aun.d.ini, Bhutini, Catur[-]bhuja and Akas`a[-]vasini (NYA : 31)] Goddesses (as.t.ayogini) around : [“the Heruka should be”] with … the color (varn.a) [“of the body ...”] exactly white; the Goddesses in the cardinal directions (digyogini) should be white, and [the Goddesses] in the intermediate directions [“vidigyogini” (fn. 10)], exactly red.” |
11:13 |
p. 82 |
“arising in the sky, the two Vidyadharas [fn. 42 : “invoke garud.a and naga and magically fuse them into the two Vidyadharas respectively.”] … one … breaks up into pieces and falls.” [fn. 45 : “onto the bitten”] |
12th |
Magical applications of mantras |
85 to 100 |
12:2 p. 85 the 24 Yogini-s
“O Goddess … great wisdom (mahaprajn~ana)! Chief[ess] of the Yoginis!” [fn. 3 : “Chief among the twenty four Yoginis, cf. AP 12.2. In the Nis.pannayogavali, the names of the other twenty three Yoginis are … thus : Sumalini, Kapalini, Bhima, Durjaya; Rupini, Vijaya, Kamini, Kalini, Mahodadhi, Karin.i, Maran.i, Tarin.i, Bhima[-]dars`ana, Sudars`ana, Ajaya, S`ubha, Astaraki, Kala[-]ratri, Mahayas`a; Sundari, Vasun[-]dhara, Subhaga, Priya[-]dars`ana (NYA : 39-40).”] |
12:6-7 pp. 86-7 effects of laughter by the Yogini
12:6-7 |
p. 86 |
“Yogini Citrasena laughs (hasita); and due to [this] boisterous laughter (at.t.at.t.ahasena), |
12:6-7 |
p. 87 |
All the Gods become frightened …; [and] all the Supreme Victors (jinavaraih.) [“are astonished …”]”. |
12:14-16 pp. 89-90 sexual love-making
12:14 |
p. 89 |
“the very wise Yogin should moreover … drink … the [love-]playing rosary (kelimalini). [pp. 89-90, fn. 37 : “The Yogin should with his tongue drink the sexual fluid directly from the [p. 90] wisdom consort's vagina, cf. also JV 12.27.”] |
12:15 |
p. 90 |
[The] 16-year-old girl is endowed with … compassion …, [and] the Yogin who is solely devoted to the benefits of sentient beings should make love with her. |
12:16 |
Being naked, tuft loosened, the wise one [vidvan] should chant the mantra of [has] and [hos]; [and] on that occasion … he should drink the [love-]play rosary (kelimalini), and afterwards he should start the love play (krid.a).” |
{This rite of to “drink the sexual fluid directly from the wisdom consort's vagina” is discussed (in a Kapalika/Kaula context) in :- David Gordon White : Kiss of the Yogini. U of Chicago Pr, 2003. (passim)}
12:22-9b p. 92 miraculous powers of distance-sight {This would be Caks.usi-vidya (the power of seeing all things in the 3 worlds), such as was taught Arjuna by a gandharva (EDP, s.v. “Citraratha”).}
12:22-3 |
“using the ring-finger … [“of his right hand” (AP 12:14)], [the Yogin] sees Buddhas as many as the [particles of] dust in the Three Thousand Worlds; he sees to the extent of eighty hundred thousand Yojanas downwards and upwards. … . |
12:24-5 |
… using his fore-finger, [the Yogin] sees the movable and the immovable; and [he sees] Pretas, Bhutas and Pis`acas; and [hee sees] other Siddhas … . He sees to the extent of one thousand Kot.is of Yojanas upwards and downwards”. |
EDP = Swami Parmeshwaranand : Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Puran.as. Sarup & Sons, New Delhi, 2001. http://books.google.com/books?id=6F0ZIBIL2ZAC&pg=PA285&lpg=PA285&dq= }
12:26-30 pp. 93-4 miraculous powers of dispelling, of breaking, and of seizing
12:26-27b |
p. 93 |
“with the middle finger, [the Yogin] becomes an excellent miracle-worker. With burning black flames [extending] to seven Tad.as [= Tala-s (fn. 57)] …, he may dispell all clouds”. |
12:27c-29b |
“with the big thumb, simply by his looking with an angry gaze, an image, a Linga, mountain or tree … [burst and] become a thousand pieces.” |
12:29c-30 |
pp. 93-4 |
“with the small finger, immediately the Yogin becomes invisible, even Buddhas cannot see him. The wise one may roam in Heaven; whatever thing (vastum) he wants, treasure {of buried texts}, a beloved woman … [p. 94] he takes immediately”. |
12:31-2 p. 94 miraculous powers of self-transformation {These transformations would be achieved, praesumably, in a dream.}
12:31 |
“[the Yogin] changes his appearance [“according to his wish”] … . |
12:32 |
… he becomes a Vidyadhara [fn. 62 : “becomes the chief of the Vidyadharas (rig pa >dzin pa>i gtso bor >gyur).”], a crow, an owl, a vulture, a snake, a dog, a jackal, a great tiger, a bear, a cat ([kaka-uluka-]s`akuna[-]sarpa[-]s`vana[-]jambuka[-]mahavyaghra[-]bhallu otakah.), a fly, an elephant, or a donkey.” |
12:35-48 pp. 95-8 magical applications for rosaries made of bones of animal-species
12:__ |
p. |
dharan.i |
application for __ |
bone of __ |
:35 |
95 |
“slaying” |
elephant |
:36 |
“driving away” |
horse |
:37 |
“nailing down the heart” |
ox |
:38 |
95-6 |
[p. 96] “paralyzing” |
hound |
:39 |
96 |
“ “ “ |
“attracting” |
human |
:40 |
“bewildering” |
ass |
:41 |
“subjugating” |
owl |
:42 |
“causing hatred” |
vulture |
:43 |
96-7 |
“destroying” |
[p. 97] ass {again!} |
:44 |
97 |
“gaining victory” |
jackal |
:45 |
“a man – love playing (ratikrid.a) … – does not drop semen” |
buffalo |
:46 |
“uprooting a tree” |
snake |
:47 |
97-8 |
[p. 98] “uprooting a mountain” |
tigre |
:48 |
98 |
“opposing Vanaspatis [should be performed] with an iron” [fn. 74 : “iron hook (lcags kyu)”] |
13th |
Complete purification of mind |
101 to 110 |
13:2-3 pp. 101-2 females who are appropriate for sexual intercourse with a man, in order therewith to acquire supernatural power
13:2 |
p. 101 |
“Sister, niece, mother, daughter …; the wise one (prajn~a), if he wants [to achieve] the Great Seal (mahamudram), should thus make love [to them]. |
13:3 |
Wife of a D.omba [“drummer” (fn. 6)] (D.ombini), as well as Wife of a dancer |
p. 102 |
(Nartaki), wife of a washerman (Dhorvin.i), wife of a Can.d.ala (Can.d.alini) and wife of a tanner (Carmakarin.i), are traditionally taught (smr.ta) [“as appropriate consorts” (AP 13:4-10)]. The intelligent one should thus make love [to them].” |
13:21-2 p. 108 erotic activity of the Maha-mudra ('Great Sigil') rite, for goddess Laks.mi {the divine wife of god Vis.n.u}
13:21 |
“Whatever love play, embracing and kissing (alingana[-]cumbanasya) as well, rubbing and squeezing, this … is called … the Great Seal. … |
13:22 |
The five Yoginis … are bestower[esse]s of the Great Seal, Laks.mi of Buddha … . The Yogin should worship (pujayet) them”. |
14th |
Requaesting of the wisdom consort |
111 to 119 |
14:11 p. 115 functions of particular words in the dharan.i of goddess Kapalini
its function |
word |
entring |
OM |
emerging |
reposing |
joy |
disappearing |
rising |
AS |
14:18-19 pp. 116-7 declaration by Yogin to Yogini while they are eating together just prior to their ritual sexual intercourse
“I am sunk in the mire of cyclic existence [samsara]; be my [p. 117] savior[ess], oh {O!}, beautiful … (sundari)! … I am connected with the covering subtle traces, oh, renowned (mahayas`a) and compassionate (kr.pavati) …! Please put them to rest …!” |
{With the expression “Renowned and Compassionate” cf. the similarly conventional expression “the Merciful, the Compassionate” (Rah.im, Rah.man) in the Qur>an.}
14:12 p. 118 abode for males is distinct from abode for females {cf. other instances of separate apparition of males from females, such as (in Eire) for leprecauns vs. banshees}
“Here … stay the Buddhas and other … chiefs of Siddhas, [and] |
there stay all … D.akinis who are endowed with compassion.” |
Appendix 3 |
Synopsis of BKT 9 to 14 |
pp. 201 to 211 |
p. |
sec. # |
title of section |
vv. of cap. |
201 |
9.4 |
Practice of Carya |
3-8 |
202 |
9.5 |
Summarizing quotation |
9 |
203 |
10.2 |
Requaest by Vajra-pan.i |
4-7 |
10.3 |
Revelation of the caelestial herb |
8-11 |
204 |
11.2 |
The 2 Vidya-dhara-s |
1cd-14 |
205 |
12.1.1 |
Requaest by Vajra-pan.i |
1-5 |
12.1.2 |
Teaching by Citra-sena |
6-33 |
206 |
12.2.2 |
Various magical applications |
35-48 |
207 |
12.3 |
Ultimate truth in ritual |
49 |
208 |
13.1.2 |
The 5 consorts |
2 |
13.1.3 |
The 5 Yogini-s |
3 |
13.2 |
Cultivation of the mind |
4-15 |
209 |
13.3 |
Cultivation of the body |
16-23 |
210 |
14.1.2 |
Requaest by Vajra-pan.i |
2-6 |
14.1.3 |
Response by Citra-sena |
7-9 |
14.3 |
Ritual of Initiation |
15-24 |
SANSKRIT TEXTS FROM THE TIBETAN AUTONMOUS REGION, No. 11 = Luo Hong (ed.) : The Buddhakapalatantra Chapters 9 to 14. Asien-Africa-Institute (University of Hamburg), 2010.