D.amara Tantra
contents of this tantra
pp. |
topic |
1:1 |
10-4 |
captivation of all persons |
1:2 |
14-5 |
" of kings |
1:3 |
15-7 |
" of wife by husband |
1:4 |
17-8 |
" of husband by wife |
1:5 |
18-9 |
attraction |
1:6 |
19-20 |
obtaining prosperity |
1:7 |
20-1 |
unguents |
1:8 |
21-2 |
oral perfumes (mouthwashes) |
1:9 |
22-3 |
cure of eruptions of the mouth |
1:10 |
23 |
blackening of white hairs |
1:11 |
24 |
destruction of lice |
1:12 |
24-5 |
cure of baldness |
2:1 |
25-6 |
paralysing |
2:2 |
26-7 |
paralysing a boat |
2:3 |
27 |
extinguishing a fire |
2:4 |
27-28 |
retention of semen |
2:5 |
28-30 |
acquiring vigor |
2:6 |
30 |
whitening black hairs |
2:7 |
31 |
inducement of sleep |
2:8 |
31-2 |
obtaining victory |
2:9 |
32-3 |
pacifying the wrath of Is`vara |
2:10 |
33-4 |
depilation |
2:11 |
35-6 |
freedom from fetters or from bondage |
2:12 |
36-7 |
restarting the menses |
2:13 |
37-8 |
curing excessive flow of menses |
2:14 |
38-40 |
making praegnant a janma-vandhya (lady who hath been sterile since birth) |
2:15 |
41 |
making praegnant a kaka-vandhya (lady who after giving birth to the 1st child hath not conceived again) |
2:16 |
41-2 |
making praegnant a mr.ta-vatsa (lady whose child hath died in infancy), such that the next child will survive |
2:17 |
42-5 |
protection of the foetus in the womb |
2:18 |
45-8 |
painless childbirth delivery |
2:19 |
48-50 |
warding off the ill-effects of planets & of evil spirits |
2:20 |
50-1 |
inflicting misfortune |
2:21 |
51 |
creating strife |
2:22 |
51-3 |
protection |
2:23 |
54-6 |
driving away insect & pests |
3:1 |
56-8 |
creation of aversion |
4:1 |
58-60 |
dissension |
4:2 |
60-2 |
inflicting & curing diseases |
5:1 |
62-6 |
liquidation (extermination) |
5:2 |
66 |
destroying the stock of clothings of a washerman |
5:3 |
66-7 |
destroying the fishes of a fisherman |
5:4 |
67 |
destroying the oil-stock of an oil-merchant |
5:5 |
destroying milk |
5:6 |
67-8 |
destruction of crops in field |
5:7 |
68 |
destruction of betel-leaves |
5:8 |
destruction of wine |
5:9 |
68-9 |
fulfilment of desire |
5:10 |
70 |
supernatural perfection of speech |
5:11 |
70-1 |
making wealth & food-grains inexhaustible |
5:12 |
71-2 |
making the voice melodious |
5:13 |
72-3 |
treatment of eyen |
5:14 |
73-5 |
curing deafness and improving power of hearing |
5:15 |
75-6 |
strengthening the teeth |
5:16 |
76-80 |
science of serpents |
5:17 |
80-4 |
medicines against serpent-poison |
5:18 |
84-5 |
destruction of poisons of scorpions |
5:19 |
85-6 |
curing poison of rabid hound’s bite |
5:20 |
86 |
curing the poisons of various other animals |
6:1 |
86-7 |
+Yaks.in.i sadhana |
6:2 |
87 |
sadhana of +Vibhrama-Yaks.in.i |
6:3 |
87-8 |
sadhana of +Rati-priya |
6:4 |
88-9 |
sadhana of +Vat.a-Yaks.in.i |
6:5 |
89 |
sadhana of +Candrava |
6:6 |
89-90 |
sadhana of +Candrika |
6:7 |
90 |
sadhana of +Maha-bhaya |
6:8 |
90-109 |
subjugation |
6:9 |
109-13 |
attraction |
6:10 |
113 |
cure of various diseases (fevers) |
6:11 |
114 |
cure of disease of the stomach |
6:12 |
restoring of eyesight |
6:13 |
114-5 |
charms for the cure of all kinds of diseases |
6:14 |
115 |
charms for curing dysentery |
6:15 |
115-6 |
charm for curing diarrhoea |
App. 1:1 |
117-8 |
mantra-sadhana of +Alakta-ras`i |
App. 1:2 |
118-20 |
Bhuta sadhana |
some mantra-s for japa
p. |
mantra |
its function |
1:1:1 |
11 |
Siddhi Yoga |
1:5:1 |
19 |
JHAM (thrice) HAM (thrice) HEM (twice) |
attract : gods, yaks.a-s, naga-s, raks.asa-s |
2:22:2 |
52 |
for Devi |
2:22:3 |
53 |
KS.RIM (5 times) |
for Maha-deva |
5:1:4 |
63 |
to cause fever |
5:18:6 |
85 |
to destroy poison of scorpion |
functions of herbs etc. to be used during specific nak.s.atra-s
p. |
naks.atra |
herb |
its r.s.i or its deity |
1:1:13 |
14 |
Rohin.i |
parasite-plant on vat.a-tree |
Vis`va-mitra |
1:3:2 |
15 |
Pus.ya |
flower of black dhattura |
Bharan.i |
fruit of " " |
Vi-s`akha |
twigs of " " |
15-6 |
Hasta |
leaves of " " |
16 |
Mula |
root of " " |
1:3:8 |
17 |
Vi-s`akha |
root of daru hari-dra |
1:5:2 |
19 |
As`les.a |
root of arjuna-tree |
1:6:1 |
Pus.ya |
root of sita-arka |
2:1:2 |
26 |
Pus.ya |
parasite-plant on liquorice-creeper |
2:2:1 |
Bharan.i |
wood of any ks.iri-tree (i.e., any with white sap) |
2:8:1 |
31 |
Ardra |
parasite-plant on mango-tree |
2:11:2 |
35 |
Sunday in Hasta |
northern side root of sindhu-vara |
2:14:4 |
40 |
Sunday in Pus.ya |
root of deva-dani |
2:15:3 |
41 |
Sunday in Pus.ya |
as`va-gandha |
2:18:7 |
47 |
Sunday in Pus.ya |
2 roots of gun~ja-tree |
2:19:6 |
49 |
Sunday in Pus.ya |
root of s`veta-gun~ja |
D.akini-s |
2:22:4 |
53 |
Sunday in Pus.ya |
root of s`veta-arka |
D.akini-s & Preta-s |
2:22:5 |
Purva-Bhadra-pad |
parasite-plant on s`iris.a-tree |
2:23:5 |
54-5 |
Magha |
root of arka-vr.ks.a |
3:1:2 |
56 |
Punar-vasu |
wood of citraka |
3:1:4 |
57 |
Bharan.i |
owl’s bone |
5:1:1 |
62 |
Pus.ya |
human bone |
5:1:2 |
63 |
As`les.a |
serpent’s bone |
Sura-is`vara |
5:1:3 |
As`vini |
bone of horse |
5:1:5 |
63-4 |
Ardra |
parasite-plant on nima-tree; or parasite-plant on s`iris.a-tree |
5:1:12 |
66 |
As`vini |
horse’s bone |
5:2:1 |
Purva-Phal-guni |
wood of jati-tree |
5:3:1 |
Purva-Phal-guni |
wood of badari-tree |
5:3:2 |
67 |
Kr.ttika |
wood of arka-tree |
5:4:1 |
Citra |
yas.t.i-madhu |
5:4:2 |
Citra |
wood of bhallataka-tree |
5:5:1 |
Anu-radha |
wood of jambu-tree |
5:7:2 |
68 |
S`ata-bhis.a |
wood of betelnut-tree |
5:8:1 |
Kr.ttika |
wood of s`veta-arka-tree |
5:9 |
69 |
Sunday in Pus.ya |
root of s`veta-arka-tree |
Gan.a-is`a |
5:10:1 |
70 |
Kr.ttika |
parasite-plant on snuhi-tree |
Svati |
parasite-plant on badari-tree |
5:11:1 |
Magha |
parasite-plant on bahu-varaka-tree |
5:11:2 |
Hasta |
parasite-plant on s`ephalika-tree |
5:11:3 |
70-1 |
Bharan.i |
parasite-plant on kus`a-tree |
5:11:4 |
71 |
Rohin.i |
parasite-plant on udumbara-tree |
Dhana-da |
6:8:21 & 24 |
96 |
As`vini |
root of palas`a-tree |
6:8:22 |
97 |
Mr.ga-s`irs.a |
root of udumbara-tree |
6:8:23 |
Dhanis.t.ha |
root of s`iris.a-tree |
Svati |
root of dhataki-tree |
6:8:25 |
Revati |
sheath or calyx of vat.a-bud |
Mula |
root of badari-tree |
6:8:27 |
98 |
Mr.ga-s`irs.a on full moon |
root of apamarga |
6:8:52 |
105 |
Pus.ya |
root of indra-varun.i (dug naked) |
6:8:53 |
Svati |
root of varvat.i |
Anu-radha |
root of badari |
6:8:57 |
106-7 |
Hasta |
root of cakra-marda |
su-dars`ana |
6:8:59 |
107 |
Pus.ya |
man~jis.t.ha; kunkuma; aja-moda; ghr.ta-kumari |
6:8:61 |
108 |
any "Uttara-" |
root of as`vattha-tree |
6:8:62 |
Bharan.i |
root of amalaki |
Vi-s`akha |
root of mango |
Purva-phalguni |
root of pomegranate |
6:8:63 |
As`les.a |
root of naga-kes`ara |
6:9:8 |
111 |
As`les.a |
root of arjuna-tree |
functions of herbs to be used during specific tithi-s (nights of the moon, lunar nights)
p. |
tithi (of __ fortnight) |
herb |
its r.s.i or its deity |
1:1:6 |
12 |
8th or 14th (dark) |
dan.d.a-utpala |
+Matangi |
1:5:3 |
19 |
5th |
root of surya-avarta |
6:8:3 |
92 |
caturdas`i [14th] (dark) |
root of langali-tree |
6:8:6 |
93 |
as.t.ami [8th] or caturdas`i [14th] (dark) in Pus.ya |
flowers of : rakta-as`mara, kus.t.ha, s`veta-sars.apa |
6:8:14 |
95 |
as.t.ami [8th] or caturdas`i [14th] (dark) |
saha-devi plant |
6:8:50 |
104 |
as.t.ami [8th] or caturdas`i [14th] (dark) |
root of pita-dhustura |
functions of herbs to be used during other astrological or calendrical events
p. |
event |
herb |
its r.s.i or its deity |
1:1:8 |
13 |
lunar eclipse |
s`veta-aparajita |
1:6:2 |
20 |
" " |
rakta-cita & citta-arka |
2:4:3 |
28 |
invite on Monday, dig out on Tuesday |
root of rakta-apamarga |
2:14:1 |
38 |
Sunday |
sarpa-aks.i |
6:8:2 |
91 |
Saturday or Tuesday |
self-growing flowers at trivium |
6:8:60 |
108 |
lunar eclipse |
root of s`veta-aparajita |
one’s own master subjugated |
App. 1:1 |
117 |
Saturday or Tuesday |
catch a crow |
Is`ana |
functions of herbs etc. to be used without astrological concommitants (but with r.s.i or deity)
p. |
herb |
its r.s.i or its deity |
1:4:2 |
18 |
venara |
Vatsya-ayana |
2:1:1 |
25-6 |
root of palas`a-tree or of s`veta-gun~ja |
+Camun.d.a |
2:3:1 |
27 |
embers of khadira-wood |
+Mahis.a-mardini |
2:3:2 |
juice of [ghr.ta-]kumari |
+" " |
2:5:1 |
29-30 |
trailokya-vijaya patra & its seed |
Narada {so, is Narada = Trailokya-vijaya of Vajra-yana?} |
2:14:2 |
39 |
rudra-aks.a |
Gan.a-is`a |
2:19:1 |
48 |
deva-daru; go-s`r.ngi; priyangu; root of bilva-tree; bark of vams`a-tree |
+S`akini etc. |
2:19:7 |
50 |
juice of s`veta-aparajita & jayanti |
+D.akini-s |
2:19:8 |
"consecrated mustard seeds" |
Nara-simha |
4:1:1 |
59 |
crow’s feather & owl’s feather |
Maha-bhairava |
4:2:6 |
61-2 |
nima leaves |
+Camun.d.a |
5:12:1 |
71 |
leaves of jati-tree; kan.a; laja |
Kid-nara-s |
5:12:3 |
nirgun.d.i |
" |
5:12:4 |
72 |
bahera; kan.a; tvaka (dalcini) |
" |
6:2 |
87 |
guggula |
+Vibhrama-Yaks.in.i |
6:3 |
88 |
jati-flowers |
+Rati-priya |
6:4 |
88-9 |
under vat.a-tree at trivium (tripatha) |
+Vat.a-Yaks.in.i |
6:5 |
89 |
climbing into vat.a-tree |
+Candrava |
6:7 |
90 |
human bones |
+Maha-bhaya |
6:8:1 |
91 |
root of apamarga |
Madana Kama-deva |
6:8:43 |
102 |
flowers of maha-nimba |
+Camun.d.a |
6:10:1 |
113 |
root of apamarga |
S`iva |
2:17 (pp. 42-44) protection of the foetus in the womb during months
2:17: |
p. |
month of gestation |
herbs |
:1 |
42 |
1st |
padma-kesara; sandalwood |
:2 |
2nd |
blue waterlily; yas.t.i-madhu; karkat.a-s`r.ngi |
:3 |
43 |
3rd |
sandalwood; kus.t.ha; mr.n.ala; padma-kesara |
:4 |
4th |
blue waterlily; mr.n.ala; go-ks.ura; kas`eruka |
:5 |
5th |
punar-nava; kakoli; tagara-flower; blue waterlily |
:6 |
6th |
honey; sugar; kapittha-majja |
:7 |
44 |
7th |
kas`eruka; sr.ngat.a; blue waterlily |
:8 |
8th |
yas.t.i-madhu; waterlily-stem; musta; kas`eruka; gaja-pippali; blue waterlily |
:9 |
9th |
vis`ala-bija; kakkola; sugar; honey |
:10 |
10th |
sugar; grape-juice; honey; blue waterlily |
" |
" |
sunthi |
" |
" |
yas.t.hi-madhu; deva-daru; s`un.t.hi |
5:16:3 (p. 77) markings distinguishing various [mythical!] serpents
serpent |
its markings |
on its __ |
An-anta |
white-waterlily |
head & back |
Kulika |
conchshell |
head |
Vasukin |
waterlily |
back |
Karkot.a |
3 eyen |
breast |
Taks.aka |
hare |
body |
S`ankha-pala |
tris`ula & crescent |
head |
Maha-padma |
variegated dots |
back |
Padma |
5 red dots |
back |
5:17:11 (p. 83) herbs curing poisons in tissues of body
tissue of body |
herb |
skin |
root of aparajita with ghr.ta |
blood |
root of aparajita with milk |
flesh |
" " with kus.t.ha |
bones |
" " " hari-dra |
fat |
" " " kakali |
marrow |
" " " pippali |
semen |
" " " can.d.ali-kanda |
TANTRA GRANTHAMALA, No. 13 = Ram Kumar Rai (transl.) : Damara Tantra. Prachya Prakashan, Varanasi, 1988.