"Treatise on the 6 Yoga-s"
p. 110 the 6 Yoga-s
# |
__ yoga |
1st |
inner fire |
2nd |
illusory body |
3rd |
dream |
4th |
clear light |
5th |
consciousness transference |
6th |
antara-bhava (bar-do) |
p. 111 the 6 subjects of actual Inner-Fire Yoga
# |
__ inner fire |
as __ |
1st |
consuming |
nutriment |
2nd |
using |
clothing |
3rd |
using |
a resting-place |
4th |
riding |
as a magic horse |
5th |
directing |
for liberation from hindering forces |
6th |
utilizing |
to receive most powerful initiations |
p. 111 sizes in subtle anatomy
size |
subtle anatomy |
wheat-straw |
thickness of central energy-channel |
˝ chickpea |
sun-disk |
barley-seed |
flaming red syllable "RAM" |
p. 114 the 4 cakra-s (wheels)
at __ |
wheel of __ |
shape |
# of petals |
color |
opening __ |
navel |
emanation |
triangle |
64 |
red |
upward |
heart |
truth |
circle |
8 |
white |
downward |
throat |
enjoyment |
circle |
16 |
red |
upward |
crown |
great bliss |
triangle |
32 |
variegated |
downward |
p. 120 subtle signs at "entrance into the bardo in the death"
subtle __ (hue) |
like unto __ |
whiteness |
full moon in autumn |
redness |
sunlight [at dawn?] |
darkness |
after dusk (moonless) |
"natural" |
sky |
p. 121 the 5 signs
# |
sign |
1st |
"seeing a wild animal reflected in water" |
2nd |
smoke |
3rd |
fireflies at night |
4th |
lamp |
5th |
"cloudless sky" |
p. 121 descent through central channel of bodhi-mind melted by special inner fire
from __ |
to __ |
__ joy |
crown |
through |
[ordinary] |
throat |
heart |
supreme |
heart |
navel |
special |
navel |
"tip of jewel" |
innately-born |
p. 123 on the return-path, the association-sequence of joys with wheels is reversed
non-emission [of semen virile]
p. 122 "because the energy that normally causes the substance to be ejaculated has been dissolved, the substance will not be emitted, even if one does not apply the special exercises, or yantras." |
cf. T&ChR, p. 536 "Those who give themselves over to … the True Formula in the Cinnabar Field … are watching over the Forbidden Secret and do not emit on the way" : also cf. Karezza |
T&ChR = Henri Maspero (tr. by Kierman): Taoism and Chinese Religion. U of MA Pr, Amherst, 1981.
pp. 125-126 other subjects of inner fire
inner fire as __ |
practice |
p. 125 clothing |
"curl up like a sleeping dog" {is this the significance of the hound Argos in the Odusseis?} |
magic horse, having "wings" |
p. 126 "light-green wind-goddesses … carry you through the sky." |
p. 126 initiations |
white Vajra-dhara & his divine Consort : "From the point of their sexual union flows forth bodhi-mind nectar. This enters your body via your Brahma aperture and descends." |
p. 131 bodies occupied by one's self when in other planes of existence
the __ |
is the __ |
purified by __ |
ripened form |
body |
"meditation upon oneself in the form of a deity." |
dream body |
"body of instincts" |
"controlling the vital energies and winds" |
antara-bhava body |
"mental body" |
"illusory body yoga … from the clear light of the … path" |
{So, is one expected to control "winds" during dreams? – The "winds" within the body are said in Tantrik lore to travel within "channels" as if in wind-tunnels; so would the control be achieved during jetting through tunnels in dreams in the fashion described in Carlos Castan~eda's esoteric-Daoist-based Art of Dreaming?}
p. 131 illusory body's similes
the illusory body __ |
like unto __ |
hath "Its branches and trunk complete." |
"an image reflected in a mirror;" |
pervadeth "all objects of experience" |
"the moon reflected in a mirror." |
"is produced by … peaceful" mantra-s |
"a rainbow in the sky". |
p. 131 "The mental body becomes the illusory body". {Hence, would it be differentiated from "projection of the mental body" (parallel with projection of the astral body?) – viz., instead of its being identical with either. For, else how can it resemble a rainbow if the "mental body" is truly composed (as in common occult descriptions) of dots? Thus, is it identical with the (usually undescribed) "causal body"?}
p. 132 origins of: mental body & rainbowlike body
"(we work with) Dream consciousness, |
which creates a mental body. … |
Also, by meditation upon the body of a deity, … |
One produces the rainbowlike divine form". |
{Would the ordinary body of the deity be an astral one, with the rainbowlike one an "illusory" one as transfiguration of it?}
pp. 133-134 functions of: the 3 types of –mudra
p. |
3 types of –mudra |
functions |
133 |
the mental body is accomplished through |
"The illusory seal on the instinctual body" {viz., as a philosophical attitude?} |
by means of the karma-mudra, |
"the connection is cut Between consciousness and its objects." {viz., in trance?} |
by means of dharma-mudra |
there ariseth "the experience of blissful clarity in dreams" {or rather, in sus.upti?} |
134 |
maha-mudra |
is a uniting of these twain (karma- & dharma- mudra-s) |
{What is the "instinctual body"? -- Since it requireth being sealed, would it be aequivalent to the "pearl" (= occult "embryo") generated in Daoist yoga? [This "pearl" is an external soul (similar to those of Siberian shamans) is the Acts of Thomas, where it is found by a message from heaven.] If so, the further -mudra-s would be maturations of this embryo.}
p. 137 the 3 –kaya-s in states of consciousness
-kaya |
state of consciousness |
Dharma- |
"(the clear light that arises when) going to sleep" |
Sam-bhoga- |
"the dream state" |
Nis-mana- |
"waking up" |
{Are these transitional states those that are distinctly experienced [only] in particularly occult manifestations: thus, is the Nis-mana-kaya a divine [voice, or whatever] following one's self out of the dreaming-state, through the "waking up" transition and into the waking state?}
p. 138 the 6 headings of cultivating power of intention in dream-yoga
# |
heading : "dreams" |
1st |
recognizing __ |
2nd |
purifying __ |
3rd |
increasing __ objects |
4th |
emanating within __ |
5th |
awareness of objects of perception |
6th |
meditating on thatness |
pp. 139-140 the 9 unfailing points for forcibly recognizing dreams
p. 139 3 concerning the times |
prae-dawn |
dawn |
sunrise |
3 concerning the postures |
vajra posture |
squatting |
leonine posture |
3 concerning the visualizations, all at one's throat |
dark-red Heruka "sexually embracing a consort" |
dissolving the world like a rainbow melting into space |
p. 140 tiny red 4-petalled waterlily |
pp. 140-141 the 4 techniques for purifying dreams
# |
"purifying __" |
technique |
p. 140 1st |
the mind by the body |
at peak of large cliff, with Heruka & Consort "falling over the cliff" |
p. 141 2nd |
the body by the mind |
one's body emanating blue lights out of its pores |
3rd |
by +Nais-atmika |
blue +Nais-atmika (consort of He-vajra) radiating from her body blue lights which thereupon "enter one's own body via one's sexual organ" |
4th |
by resolution |
project thyself into a Pure Land of Buddha-s |
p. 141 to increase the dream objects
manifest the body as 2 |
manifest the 2 as 4 |
and so forth |
p. 142 emanating one's self from within dream
in order to __ |
emanate in the form of __ |
eliminate death |
Yama-antaka |
overcome serpent-spirits |
Garud.a |
subdue kingly spirits |
Haya-griva |
p. 142 understand the phainomenal world [objects of perception]
understand __ |
"ways of … beings of the pure and impure worlds" |
"death and transmigration of living beings" |
and so forth |
p. 142 causing the world to melt into the man.d.ala palace [thatness]
dissolve the zig-zag into inappraehendible nothingness |
hold the mind on the view of emptiness |
{cf. zigzag-shaped Old English rune sigel 'sail'?}
pp. 142-143 the 4 hindrances to practice of dream-yoga
# |
p. 142 hindrances |
pp. 142-3 their remedies |
1st |
not recognizing dream as dream |
"firm resolution … to recognize any dream" |
2nd |
waking-up from dream |
"recapture the dream" |
3rd |
moving of the drop to lower cakra-s |
"bring the mystic drop back to the throat cakra" |
4th |
not to experience any dreams |
"firm resolution to dream many dreams" |
p. 144 clear-light yoga
clear-light substances |
comparative |
the interior of the central channel "is filled with … falling snow." |
[cf. white syllable upon moon-disk at throat-cakra: white bodhi-citta "substances fall from it like snow" (p. 115),"substance falling like snow" (p. 116)] |
at the centre of the heart-cakra is a mustardseed-like white drop "radiating lights the color of quicksilver" |
{cf. quicksilver in rasa-ayana of Siddha-anta; and the androgynous (hermaphrodite) quicksilver (hydrargyrum) in European al-chemy – plants generally (including mustard) being androgynous} |
p. 146 how to cultivate the clear light of sleep
cultivation |
expository |
"when we enter sleep we should retain the clear light experience, and if a dream begins to occur, we should arise in the form of Heruka from the finest substance of energy and mind. |
{Heruka = hiraka 'diamond', so that the adamantine body of Daoist yoga and of <arabic al-chemy must be able to retain the clear light of sleep} |
On waking up from sleep we should direct this to enter into the old aggregates." |
{this entry is the transsubstantiation on the waking-state subtle planes} |
p. 148 transference of consciousness
"By means of the vase-breathing technique … One closes off eight of the nine paths of exit of consciousness, leaving open the Golden Passage, which is the Brahma aperture at the crown of the head. It is through this Golden Passage that one will make the transference to accomplish rebirth as a knowledge holder [Vidya-dhara]". |
the 4 transference methods |
of Dharma-kaya Thatness |
of the guru’s blessings |
of a divinity’s great union |
of the Unfailing D.akini |
pp. 148-150 transference yoga
p. |
148-9 |
"central channel running straight up the center of your body ... from the Brahma aperture to a point four finger-widths below the navel. |
149 |
At the base of this channel is a triangular" dharma-udaya, "white outside and red inside, with two of its points toward the two kidneys and the third point in the direction of the sexual organ. |
Inside the lower aperture of the central channel is one’s own mind in the form of a white" syllable AS. |
149-50 |
"Lights in the form of hooks emanate downward from the heart of the" Vajra-yogini "visualized above one’s head. They strike against the syllable" AS "and pull upward on it." |
pp. 150-151 transference by the power of intention
p. |
150 |
"Salt opens the mouth of the channel And brain guards against hindrances." |
151 |
"One’s mind in the form of a white" syllable AS "shoots up the central channel and out the Brahma aperture. It enters" Vajra-yogini "via the passage of her sexual organ, which is red in color. The" AS "comes to her heart and dissolves in into it." |
p. 152 generating the "foundation clear light" into the "clear light of the path", according to the Book of the Three Convictions
"Because the foundation clear light is the mother clear light, in order to be able to blend it with the sun clear light we should, during waking consciousness, be able to bring the vital energies into the central channel where they will abide and dissolve. |
... we can ... also blend the two clear lights, even in times of deepest sleep ..." |
Glenn H. Mullin (translator): The Dalai Lamas on Tantra. Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca (NY), 2006. pp. 83-156