Subtable of Contents : International Society for Shamanistic Research



1st, Ptt. I = Shamans and Cultures. Pt. I : "Korea".

1st, Pt. II = Shamans and Cultures. Pt. II : "Japan & South-east Asia".

1st, Pt. III = Shamans and Cultures. Pt. III : "North-American Amerindian".

1st, Pt. IV = Shamans and Cultures. Pt. IV : "Eurasia".

2nd, Vol. I, Main = Shamanism and Performing Arts. "Main".

2nd, Vol. I, Appendix = Shamanism and Performing Arts. "Appendix".

2nd, Vol. II (north As) = Shamanism in Performing Arts -- north Asiatic.

2nd, Vol. II (south As) = Shamanism in Performing Arts -- south Asiatic.

2nd, Vol. II (non-As) = Shamanism in Performing Arts -- non-Asiatic.

6th = Shamanism in the Interdisciplinary Context

7th, Vol. 1 = The Original of Shamanistic Culture, Vol. 1.

7th, Vol. 2 = The Original of Shamanistic Culture, Vol. 2.

8th = Shamans Unbound

9th =