Mithras Litourgia

Draw in breath from the rays, drawing up three times as much as you can, and you will see yourself being lifted up and ascending to the height, so that you seem to be in mid-air. You will hear nothing either of man or of any other living thing, nor in that hour will you see anything of mortal affairs on earth, but rather you will see all immortal things. For in that day and hour you will see the divine order of the skies: the presiding gods rising into heaven, and others setting. Now the course of the visible gods will appear through the disk of god, my father; and in similar fashion the so-called "pipe", the origin of the ministering wind. For you will see it hanging from the sun's disk like a pipe. You will see the outflow of this object toward the regions westward, boundless as an east wind, if it be assigned to the regions of the East: and the other (i.e. the west wind), similarly, toward its own regions. And you will see the gods staring intently at you and rushing at you. So at once put your right finger on your mouth and say:

Silence! Silence! Silence! Symbol of the living, incorruptible god! Guard me, Silence, ...

Then make a long hissing sound, next make a popping sound ...

Then you will see the gods looking graciously upon you and no longer rushing at you, but rather going about in their own order of affairs. So when you see that the world above is clear and circling, and that none of the gods or angels is threatening you, expect to hear a great crash of thunder, so as to shock you. Then say again:

Silence! Silence! (the prayer) I am a star, wandering about with you, and shining forth out of the deep, ...

Immediately after you have said these things the sun's disk will be expanded. And after you have said the second prayer, where there is "Silence! Silence!" and the accompanying words, make a hissing sound twice and a popping sound twice, and immediately you will see many five- pronged stars coming forth from the disk and filling all the air. Then say again: "Silence! Silence!" And when the disk is open, you will see the fireless circle, and the fiery doors shut tight. At once close your eyes and recite the following prayer. The third prayer:

Give ear to me, hearken to me, (NAME) whose mother is (NAME)

O Lord, you who have bound together with your breath the fiery bars of the fourfold root

Fire-Walker, ...

Light-Maker (others: Encloser), ...

Fire-Breather, ..

Fire-Feeler, IAÔ

Light-Breather, ÔAI

Fire-Delighter, ...

Beautiful Light, AZAI


Light-Master, ...

Fire-Body, ...

Light-Giver, Fire-Sower,

Fire-Driver, ...

Light-Forcer, AIÔ


Light-Mover, ..

Thunder-Shaker, IÊ ÔÊ IÔÊIÔ

Glory-Light, ...

Light-Increaser, ...

Fire-Light-Maintainer, ...

Star-Tamer: open for me, ...

Because, on account of the pressing and bitter and inexorable necessity, I invoke the immortal names, living and honored, which never pass into mortal nature and are not declared in articulate speech by human tongue or mortal speech or mortal sound:


Say all these things with fire and spirit, until completing the first utterance; then, similarly, begin the second, until you complete the seven immortal gods of the world. When you have said these things, you will hear thundering and shaking in the surrounding realm; and you will likewise feel yourself being agitated. Then say again: "Silence!" (the prayer) Then open your eyes and you will see the doors open and the world of the gods which is within the doors, so that from the pleasure and joy of the sight your spirit runs ahead and ascends. So stand still and at once draw breath from the divine into yourself, while you look intently. Then when your soul is restored, say:

Come, Lord, ...

When you have said this, the rays will turn toward you; look at the center of them. For when you have done this, you will see a youthful god, beautiful in appearance, with fiery hair, and in a white tunic and a scarlet cloak, and wearing a fiery crown. At once greet him with the fire-greeting:

Hail, O Lord, Great Power, Great Might, King, Greatest of gods, Helios, the Lord of heaven and earth, God of gods: mighty is your breath; mighty is your strength, O Lord. If it be your will, announce me to the supreme god, the one who has begotten and made you: that a man, I, (NAME) whose mother is (NAME) who was born from the mortal womb of (NAME) and from the fluid of semen, and who, since he has been born again from you today, has become immortal out of so many myriads in this hour according to the wish of god the exceedingly good, resolves to worship you, and prays with all his human power (that you may take along with you the horoscope of the day and hour today, which has the name THRAPSIARI MORIROK, that he may appear and give revelation during the good hours) EÔRÔ RÔRE ÔRRI ÔRIÔR RÔR RÔI ÔR REÔRÔRI EÔR EÔR EÔR EÔRE

After you have said these things, he will come to the celestial pole, and you will see him walking as if on a road. Look intently and make a long bellowing sound, like a horn, releasing all your breath and straining your sides; and kiss the amulets and say, first toward the right:

Protect me, PROSUMÊRI

After saying this, you will see the doors thrown open, and seven virgins coming from deep within, dressed in linen garments, and with the faces of asps. They are called the Fates of heaven, and wield golden wands. When you see them, greet them in this manner:

Hail, O seven Fates of heaven, O noble and good virgins, O sacred ones and companions of MINIMIRROPHOR, O most holy guardians of the four pillars!

Hail to you, the first, CHREPSENTHAES

Hail to you, the second, MENESCHEES

Hail to you, the third, MECHRAN

Hail to you, the fourth, ARARMACHÊS

Hail to you, the fifth, ECHOMMIÊ

Hail to you, the sixth, TICHNONDAÊS

Hail to you, the seventh, EROU ROMBRIÊS

There also come forth another seven gods, who have the faces of black bulls, in linen loin-cloths, and in possession of seven golden diadems. They are the so-called Pole-Lords of heaven, whom you must greet in the same manner, each of them with his own name:

Hail, O guardians of the pivot, O sacred and brave youths, who turn at one command the revolving axis of the vault of heaven, who send out thunder and lightning and jolts of earthquakes and thunderbolts against the nations of impious people, but to me, who am pious and god-fearing, you send health and soundness of body, and acuteness of hearing and seeing, and calmness in the present good hours of this day, O my Lords and powerfully ruling Gods!

Hail to you, the first, AIERÔNTHI

Hail to you, the second, MERCHEIMEROS

Hail to you, the third, ACHRICHIOUR

Hail to you, the fourth, MESARGILTÔ

Hail to you, the fifth, CHICHROALITHÔ

Hail to you, the sixth, ERMICHTHATHÔPS

Hail to you, the seventh, EORASICHÊ

Now when they take their place, here and there, in order, look in the air and you will see lightning-bolts going down, and lights flashing, and the earth shaking, and a god descending, a god immensely great, having a bright appearance youthful, golden-haired, with a white tunic and a golden crown and trousers, and holding in his right hand a golden shoulder of a young bull: this is the Bear which moves and turns heaven around, moving upward and downward in accordance with the hour. Then you will see lightning-bolts leaping from his eyes and stars from his body. And at once produce a long bellowing sound, straining your belly, that you may excite the five senses: bellow long until the conclusion, and again kiss the amulets, and say:


Dwell in my soul! Do not abandon me, for one entreats you, ENTHO PHENEN THROPIÔTH

And gaze upon the god while bellowing long; and greet him in this manner:

Hail, O Lord, O Master of the water!

Hail, O Founder of the earth!

Hail, O Ruler of the wind!

O Bright Lightener, ...

Give revelation O Lord, concerning the matter of _______

O Lord, while being born again, I am passing away; while growing and having grown, I am dying; while being born from a life-generating birth, I am passing on, released to death - as you have founded, as you have decreed, and have established the mystery


After you have said these things, he will immediately respond with a revelation. Now you will grow weak in soul and will not be in yourself, when he answers you. He speaks the oracle to you in verse, and after speaking he will depart. But you remain silent, since you will be able to comprehend all these matters by yourself; for at a later time you will remember infallibly the things spoken by the great god, even if the oracle contained myriads of verses. If you also wish to use a fellow-initiate, so that he alone may hear with you the things spoken, let him remain pure together With you for days, and abstain from meat and the bath. And even if you are alone, and you undertake the things communicated by the god, you speak as though prophesying in ecstasy. And if you also wish to show him, then judge whether he is completely worthy as a man: treat him just as if in his place you were being judged in the matter of immortalization, and whisper to him the first prayer, of which the beginning is "First origin of my origin, AEÊIOUÔ." And say the successive things as an initiate, over his head, in a soft voice, so that he may not hear, as you are anointing his face with the mystery. This immortalization takes place three times a year. And if anyone, O child, after the teaching, wishes to disobey, then for him it will no longer be in effect.