Muttering Mystics
tiao-s^en ‘to jump spirits / jumping spirits’
huan-yuan ‘returning promises’
pp. 120-121 |
pp. 121-122 |
pp. 122-123 |
Fan Gon-qian: "Jue-yu Ji-lue". (Yu-di Con-c^ao, vol. 2, pp. 693-6) |
Wu Z^en-c^en : "Nin-gu-ta Ji-lue". (Yu-di Con-c^ao, vol. 2, pp. 697-709) |
Yan Bin : "Liu-bian Ji-lue". (Yu-di Con-c^ao, vol. 2, pp. 711-40) |
p. 120 "They take a pole and tie strips of silk cloth". |
p. 121 "all household ... set up a wooden pole in front of their courtyard which they take as a spirit." |
pp. 120-1 [p. 120] They take a pole ... Then, binding a pig, they anoint its ears and bristles with wine. If the ears or bristles move, it is good fortune. |
huan-yuan :- "they select a big pig, not arguing with others about the price. |
Killing the pig by hand with a knife and removing its intestines, they turn them [p. 121] over with the hands, for these also contain omens of good and ill fortune." |
After slaughtering ... they gather up ... liver and intestines ... They fill the large intestine full of blood and boil them all in one pot. |
"they summon relatives to eat ... and ... drink ... They are not allowed to take anything and go out the gate ... |
They ask relatives and friends to ... cut pieces of the food ... They leave no leftovers and do not present the food to others." |
p. 123 "In the case of the meat, they pull people into their houses and feed it to them, requiring that it be completely consumed." |
After they have cut open the pig, if flocks of crows come down and peck at the leftover meat, they joyously say, "The ancestors are pleased."" |
p. 122 "they first plant a thin pole ... in the southern corner of the courtyard. Then they place a basket on top of it ..., meat is placed in the basket. A crow will surely come and peck at it; then they say, "the gods accept the sacrifice."" |
p. 122 tiao-s^en :- "They ... make cakes, of which there are several types, all fried with a small amount of oil. {cf. unleavened, viz. fried, bread for Passover} |
p. 123 "The sacrifices which they offer are ... fisihe efen. Fisihe efen is glutinous millet cake. ... It is sprinkled with bean powder and dipped in honey." |
p. 120 "For the most part young women do it. On their heads they wear a kind of metal helmet, and at their waists are tied skirts on which are strung many pieces of copper and iron. As they sway, |
They take the wife of the house ... all around the waist of the skirt are attached many long metal bells. ... She chants ..., her waist shakes and the bells ring ... She must face the west ..." |
pp. 122-3 [p. 122] "The one who performs the tiaoshen is sometimes a female shaman and sometimes a regular woman of the household. [p. 123] They take bells and tie them onto her hips. As she drags the bells, they make a noise, and she beats on a drum with her hand. |
they make sounds, and their mouths murmur ..." |
... her mouth utters words of chants and prayers, but the words cannot be distinguished. |
p. 121 "The horse-spirit leads a horse into the yard, and while they bind its tail and mane with red and green cloth threads, they murmur in order to bless it." |
When the prayer is over, she leaps and spins with various types of actions such as "tiger" ..." {cf. Korean dancing shamanesses (e.g., KShR, p. 35)} |
KShR = Jung Young Lee : Korean Shamanistic Rituals. 1981.
Stephen Potter Udry : Muttering Mystics : a Preliminary Examination of Manchu Shamanism. PhD diss, U of WA, 2000.