Occult Mind, 2



Ley of the Land

PP. 18-47

p. 19 interest in ley-tracks among certain authors on flying saucer mysteries

[quoted from Devereux Oct 1996] "From 1960 the ley theory took on a new lease of life, one that has led to the modern New Age notion of 'ley lines'. An ex-R.A.F. pilot, Tony Wedd, was very interested in flying saucers, or UFOs. He had read Watkins' The Old Straight Track and also a French book, Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery (1958) by Aime' Michel,

in which it was (falsely) suggested that the locations where flying saucers landed or hovered very low ... fell into straight lines or "orthotenies". {It was really absurd to conjecture that such vastly advanced non-material divine technologies as those of flying saucers would confine themselves to such a triviality as flight along "straight lines".}

{Although ordinary human-built aircraft (which tend to fly along straight lines from one airport to the next), flying saucers tend, instead, to fly on exceedingly irregular zigzagging courses, often abruptly changing direction while flying at many hundreds of miles-per-hour (which is impossible for any material object, proving that they are not of the mere material universe); they do, however, exhibit certain very curious flight-patterns, often confining themselves within the bounds of a single political jurisdiction (political state) on any one day, demonstrating that they are well-aware of human political geography.}

Wedd ... had also read an American book by Buck Nelson called My Trip to Mars, the Moon and Venus (1956) ... . ...

{Not only do flying saucers often fly (in a few minutes traveling hundreds of millions of miles) to other planets with mortal humans as passengers, but also fly with mortal passengers to other planetary systems a great many light-years distant (likewise in a few minutes). For non-material substances and immaterial entities, such is easily feasible.}

Wedd formed the Star Fellowship, which aimed to contact the Space Brothers. The members of the club enlisted the aid of a psychic called Mary Long in their ley hunting, and she started referring to 'lines of force' and magnetic nodes in the landscape. She also channelled communications from

a Space Being called 'Attalita'." {praesumably signifying 'an inhabitant of Attalia' : "a coast-town of Pamphylia, mentioned (Acts 14:25) It was built by Attalus Philadelphus, king of Pergamos, and named after the monarch." (S:DB, s.v. "Attalia")}

{This could readily have been intended as an erudite allusion to Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, and thus intended as a recommendation of Quakerism as a pacifistic way of life.}

{[continuation of the same article by Paul Dereveux :] "In 1967 John Michell wrote his first book, The Flying Saucer Vision, in which he talked about UFOs, ancient sites, Alfred Watkins and leys. In 1969 he produced his seminal work, The View Over Atlantis, in which he brought his erudition and insight to bear on the ley theory, and mixed it with ancient, sacred geometrical and number systems, and much else besides, particularly the Chinese systemof landscape divination called Feng shui. He also speculated about dowsing. This book had a profound influence on the new generation of ley hunters."}

Devereux Oct 1996 = Paul Devereux : "Leys/'Ley-lines' -- Leys for the 1960s." http://www.pauldevereux.co.uk/v5/html/body_leylines.html#Leys%20for%20the%201960s

S:DB = Smith's Bible Dictionary. https://biblehub.com/topical/a/attalia.htm#smi

p. 22 "primitive peoples"?

"Von Da:niken considered it impossible that primitive people could have constructed such massive and complex structures as the Egyptian pyramids, the Naza lines, Mayan temples, the Easter Island, and so forth, so he proposed that these structures had been constructed with help ... ."

{"Primitive"? The 5th-dynasty political state TL-MRJ consisted of million of highly organized people, similar to any major modern European state. The Maya states consisted each of 10s of 1000s of well-organized people. Rapa-nui (Easter Island) was likewise well-organized, not "primitive". All such political states were severely under stringent control of ruling classes, each including a royal dynastic family, as forceful as the ruling classes of modern capitalist Europe. }

p. 22 "lack of later monuments"?

"Erik von Da:niken ... adduced the lack of later monuments on the scale of Tiahuanaco, Stonehenge, or the Great Pyramid."

{Factually, the monuments at Tiwanaku ("Tiahuanaco") were built some 3,000 years later than Stonehenge and the 5th-Dynasty pyramids. Closer in time to Stonehenge and the 5th-Dynasty pyramids, the Western-Han-Dynasty pyramids (which approximate the size of the TL-MRJ pyramids) were built some 2,000 years later.}

{It some ways (e.g., by great emphasis on material remains of the past) Erik von Da:niken partook to such a degree of the atmosphaire of materialism that his writings can hardly be regarded as mystical or spiritual, and are thus not particularly apposite instances of "occult" litterature.}

p. 24 Mircea Eliade's emphasis on mythology accepted as describing the praesent-day world

"Eliade's ... contact with the sacred, ... an AEgypt in which gods walked among men ... projects that ... as central to human religiosity.

{It is generally accepted by pious persons that divinities (or angels) are often praesent, closely observing us for signs of piety.}

That is, Eliade conceives of religious man -- homo religiosus -- as perpetually nostalgic for mythic time, for illud tempus."

{It is customary among pious persons to have considerable regard for the mythology, and for the details described therein.}

pp. 25-6 Frances Yates

p. 25

"after receiving her master's {ought to be labelled "mistress's"} degree in French theater at University College, London, in 1926 ... almost entirely through correspondence study ... She began primarily as a Shakespeare scholar, but over the late 1930 and '40s ... she first visited and then joined the staff and then the faculty of the Warburg Institute ...,

in 1947 publishing French Academies of the Sixteenth Century,

in 1959 The Valois Tapestries, and

in 1964 Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition, which ... catapulted her to academic stardom. ...

p. 26

Immediately after Giordano Bruno, Yates at last received her LittD from London University, then retired as an honorary fellow from the Warburg in 1967 ...; she ... was made Dame of the British Empire in 1977.

In 1969 she published Theatre of the World, a study of ... Elizabethan public theaters; in 1971, The Rosicrucian Enlightenment, a controversial reconstruction of a secret intellectual tradition in the seventeenth century ... . [p. 190, n. 2:20 "Frances Yates, Ideas and Ideals in the North European Renaissance : Collected Essays, vol. 3 (London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1984), contains a complete bibliography."]

At the time of her death in 1981, Yates was controversial but admired ... for her groundbreaking work."

The idea that Yates may have had occult sympathies has little to recommend it. Yates denied the claim, and nothing in her work suggest that she practiced magic." {Unless, or course, by "practiced magic" we may mean (or include) "read about and contemplated the significance of magic".}

{Reading and commenting on occult litterature is (or can be regarded as) in-and-of itself a variety or brand of ritual "magic", even if this may not be entirely identical with what is more popularly construed as "magic" workings. All the most prominent "sorcerers" known to history were to a very great extent themselves readers and commentators, and regarded such reading and commenting an integral part of their "magical" work.}

p. 27 Frances Yates's promotion, through her writings, of Renaissance-style efforts to restore antique piety

"Yates strives in her books to reactualize Bruno's magic ... .

{She wrote extensively about Giordano Bruno mainly because of the sensational influence of his writings. His actual philosophy was not as faithful to antient models of myth and ritual as were the philosophies of some other Renaissance authors.}

It is no surprise that ... Yates as an occult practitioner ... attempts to make magic a living worldview once more."

{This sort of promotion of revitalization of ante-Christian religions would be the primary duty of a restorer of the non-Christian ways of antiquity.}

{Incidentally, \magic\ (or \magick\) is hardly the most applicable term, inasmuch as, strictly speaking, is only the practice by Persian Magoi. The more appropriate Neo-Platonic term would be \theourgia\.}

p. 28 John Dee's achievement, according to Yates

[Vickers, p. 304, quoting Yates : The Rosicrucian Enlightenment, p. 198] "The adept who had mastered the formulae could move up; and down the ladder of creation, from terrestrial matter, through the heavens, to the angels ... ."

[Vickers, p. 305, quoting Yates : The Rosicrucian Enlightenment, p. 223] In Rosicrucianism "magic was a dominating factor, working as a mathematics-mechanics in the lower world, as celestial mechanics in the celestial world, and as angelic conjuration in the supercelestial world."

pp. 29-30 revival of Yates's arguments

p. 29

"the most recent scholarship has quietly, tentatively ... begun to revive Yates's arguments. One sees this clearly a conferences on early modern

p. 30

science and history : Yates ... of the spirit of her work continues to inform scholarship on occultism."

p. 33 bricolage

"bricolage, anaogically applied, is a means of observing and classifying phenomena in order to put them to use. The interrelations of objects, particularly concrete objects of nature, become the categorical means by which to impose and also read meaning. That is, human events and structures are granted meaning by seeing them in relation to natural formations. Events over time are similarly classified in terms of this extrahuman and fundamentally nontemporal (synchronic) structural formation, such that the event becomes structure and history ... ."

p. 35 Giordano Bruno's need for mythologized metaphysics, according to Hilary Gatti

"as Gatti [1999] shows, "Bruno never succeeded in creating a system of mnemonic images or signs capable of providing new answers about the ... universe he envisaged, thus obliging him, in the more scientific parts of his discourse, to fall back on a mythologized version ... .""

Gatti 1999 = Hilary Gatti : Giordano Bruno and Renaissance Science. Ithaca (NY) : Cornell Univ Pr.

p. 38 centre everywhere, boundary nowhere

"it is impossible to call the sun, or the earth for that matter, the center. ... properly speaking the sun is not the absolute center, {but is} only a relative one. ...

{This type of geometry may be otherwise described (defined) as a ("GIS"; cf. EU:MSN, p. 238) "sphere, the center of which is everywhere, the circumference nowhere." ("Book of the 24 Philosophers, 12th Century [Christian Aira]")}

To analyze such a universe mathematically would require a completely different sense of mathematics itself. ...

{It would require a different sense of geometry itself : a geometry which is not limited to 3 spatial dimensions, but is 4-dimensional.}

Such a mathematics appears impossible to Bruno ... ." {He is in error : it is possible.}

{4-dimensional geometry is just as feasible mathematically as is 3-dimensional geometry.}

"GIS" https://www.clearhat.org/2018/02/20/god-is-an-infinite-sphere-the-center-of-which-is-everywhere-the-circumference-nowhere/

EU:MSN = Evelyn Underhill : Mysticism : A Study in the Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness. 12th edn. E. P. Dutton & Co, 1930. (reprint World Publ Co, 1955) (reprint New American Library, 1974) https://books.google.com/books?id=fsKv510rtg0C&pg=PA238&lpg=PA238&dq=

{In order to obtain (describe) a sphaire whereof the centre is everywhere while its boundary is nowhere, it is necessary that a 4-dimensional geometry be the basis of that spatial definition : (M:G4D, p. 7) "Riemann points out that space may be unbounded without being infinite that, in fact, it cannot be infinite if it has a constant positive curvature differing at all from zero." ["Positively curved space has the interesting property of being finite but unbounded for if one ... travelled in a straight line (geodesic) in such a space, one would end up back where one started without ever reaching a boundary or edge." ("H4SD", p. 5)] ["Moreover, Stephen Hawking, one of the greatest theoretical physicists of our time, has recently shown that one appealing result of combining quantum mechanics with relativity theory is that space turns out to be positively curved and thus finite but unbounded." ("H4SD", p. 9)]

Any forced involvement of any mensuration-mechanism including an alleged quantitative "infinitude" must of its own nature be not only superfluous but also self-vitiating, for any alleged quantitative "infinitude" is in-and-of-itself logically intractable and thus logically quite meaningless -- a fact which was already well-familiar to antient Hellenic logicians, but of which Giordano Bruno is evidently quite ignorant (for, indeed, he is ridiculously proposing an "infinite" deity, which would be an existentially self-vitiating one).}

M:G4D = Henry Parker Manning, Ph.D. (Associate Professor Of Pure Mathematics In Brown University) : Geometry of Four Dimensions. Macmillan & Co, London, 1914. https://archive.org/stream/geometryoffourdi033495mbp/geometryoffourdi033495mbp_djvu.txt

"H4SD" = Schick : "Hyperspace : the 4th Spatial Dimension". SFRA Newsletter 178 (June 1990). University of South Florida Scholar Commons. pp. 4-12. https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1122&context=scifistud_pub

p. 38 Is finite mathemathematics constituted (as claimed by Bruno) of mere "deceptive analogies"?

"Bruno points out that ... finite mathematics can only apply by weak and deceptive analogies. The only proper mathematics would be one capable of, and indeed founded on, the infinite."

{FALSE! Only finite mathematics can be realistic, whereas anything allegedly dealing in "infinite" quantities must of necessity be nonsensical gibberish (as, in particular, is all theology so artificially contrived by Bruno, that misguided mangler of logic).}

{Georg Cantor invented a logic of "transfinite numbers" : this logic is in-and-of-iself self-consistent, but cannot be applied to anything which could ever possibly exist. Many other sorts of artificial logics could be contrived which are internally self-consistent, but are based on absurd and impossible praemises -- just about the only practicable function of such contrived artificialities may be to demonstrate that it is not necessary that some internal inconsistency be found in it, for a system of metaphysics to be totally false.}

{In any "infinite" universe, commensurability could not exist, so that no object could not have any size (other than the size of that universe itself, namely infinite), any location (other than occupying that entire universe itself), any shape, etc. etc. -- it and everything in it entirely amorphous and indistinguishable. Furthermore, time-duration within such a universe would be as indeterminate as its space. Needless to say, without any determinate time-durations nor spatial sizes nor shapes nor locations, there could not be any determinate object-of-consciousness, and therefore there could be no trace whatsoever of any consciousness nor awareness itself -- no plan, no purpose, no intent, no meaning. This indistinguishable meaninglessess is actually the "universe" (and the "God"!) proposed by the consummately-illogical Bruno and his totally-irrational congeners!}

pp. 39-40 the two books by Frances Yates, specifically about Giordano Bruno

p. 39

"In both Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition and The Art of Memory, Yates leans on the ars memorativa and the occult tradition of Ficino and Agrippa to explain Bruno's Copernicanism. ... By internalizing this system through the locative memory arts described in

p. 40

De Umbris Idearum and De Imaginum, the operative magus is enabled to manipulate the forces and powers of the universe."

p. 40 Giordano Bruno's technique, explained by Frances Yates

"Yates ... claims Bruno has recognized that the Ficinian image-magic and the later ... (... Agrippan) ... require the mediation of imagination and the mind, and that powerful use of such techniques must therefore operate by drawing down celestial forces into the mind and transmitting them to other minds; Bruno's ... De Vinculis in Genere (On Links in General, 1590-91) would seem to fit this account reasonably well."

p. 41 {the absurdity of} Bruno's claim to quantitative infinitude {absurd despite the pseudo-rational restriction to remaining within it}

"Bruno's rereading ... adds a new twist : if the universe is truly infinite ..., then there is no means by which to step outside. {Infinitudes are so utterly unthinkable, that it would hardly be possible to suggest whether anything in particular is inside of it, or is outside of it, or is both inside and outside of it, or is neither inside nor outside of it.}

{In 4-dimensional finite geometry (such as accepted in "Relativity Theory"), there is no ready means of exiting from the finite but unbounded universe; it hath the projection every straight line-segment returning to itself from the opposite direction.} {However, within a closed 3-dimensional region of this 4-dimensional space, it is nevertheless possible to exit the region without opening it : "as Professor Newcomb demonstrated in the first volume of the American Journal of Mathematics, by rotating a flexible sphere in the fourth dimension, one can turn it inside out without tearing it." ("H4SD", p. 6)}

{Confinement may be necessitated only by finitudes; but must be indefinable for infinitudes.} {Apparently Bruno did not recognize the rejection by all traditional Hellenic philosophy of the absurd notion of actual existence of any quantitative infinitude. The Church, unlike Bruno, did not defy the traditional logic of recognizing that all material objects must be confined within mensurable limits.

Very likely, it was Bruno's fanatic embrace (in defiance of all logic and of all tradition) of the utterly absurd notion of the actual physical existence of a quantitative infinitude, was this final offence of stubbornly insane madness which naturally resulted in his being burned alive at the stake.}

p. 40 "reject ... mathematics"?!

"Bruno thus rejects any formally delimited and schematic system ..., such as mathematics."

{Any even partially sane person would recognize that what must be rejected is not the logic of mathematics, but, instead, the unreasonable illogic of nonexistent infinitudes.}

{Bruno's penchant for writing, and for promoting, such patent absurdities, must have brought much discredit on the Renaissance movement; such vagaries would eventually lead to the foundering and collapsing of the Renaissance without its achieving any major objectives.}

p. 42 Bruno's highly erroneous, and rabidly wild, conjecture that any ordinary, commonplace language could be "utterly alien to us"

"Bruno recognizes ... that ... AEgypt's nature is precisely such that ... would require that we ... perceive it by linguistic means utterly alien to us, in its original perfect hieroglyphs ... by analogy ... ." {FALSE! In no way at all is that ordinary, commonplace phonetically-written language "utterly alien to us".}

{Once that the key to that so-called "fallen language" (which, incidentally, is, even to-day, in commonplace daily employment in the form of ordinary Coptic) was discovered in the form of the Rosetta Stone, its phonetic-alphabetic hieroglyphs were very swiftly deciphered by Champollion and successors.}

p. 43 who is more accurate, Hermes Tris-megistos or Giordano Bruno?

"If Hermes suggests that "as it is above, so it is below,"

{It is quite true that each detail of the material universe is controlled by entities abiding the divine worlds.}

Bruno proposes that as the cosmos is infinite, so too is the atom properly infinitesimal."

{Actually, no "cosmos" can be of infinite magnitude, nor can any "atom" be of infinitesimal smallness.}

p. 44 who is more accurate, Yates or Gatti?

"Gatti corrects Yates : "The ... temples ... are thus neither abstract entities nor magical seals.

{The religious temples are, indeed, intended to illustrate both divine archetypes (which are a variety of "abstract entities") and ritual implements for sealing initiates with sacramental sanctifications.}

They are rather intellectual coordinates or the measuring devices through which the mind approaches the physical world.""

{They are, of course, for approaching divine worlds. From a religious point-of-view, the material universe is merely illusory except insofar as it is able to promote worship (by mortal souls) of the divine entities who abide in non-material planes-of-existence.}

p. 46 a likeness of method between Frances Yates & Mircea Eliade

"Eliade wants to view the "archaic ontology" from within, "experientially," and

Yates wants to interpret Bruno in his [i.e., Bruno's] own terms."

pp. 46, 193 necessity for cross-cultural comparative studies; bigotry in refusal to undertake cross-cultural comparisons

p. 46

"Comparative methods, which always ... mingle the synchronic and the diachronic, are thus not only useful but necessary. ...

But the pseudohistorical claim against comparison as intrinsically bad method is bigotry masquerading as rigor."

p. 193, n. 2:65

"For a spirited defense of comparison on logical grounds, see Robert A. Segal, "In Defense of the Comparative Method," Numen 48, no. 3 (2001):339-73."


Christopher I. Lehrich : The Occult Mind : Magic in Theory and Practice. Cornell Univ Pr, Ithaca (NY), 2007.