Ritual and Speculation in Early Tantrism
# |
Cap. |
Author[ess] |
PP. |
1 |
Jn~ana and Kriya |
H. Brunner |
1 to 59 |
2 |
On Puras`caran.a |
G. Bu:hnemann |
61 to 106 |
3 |
Becoming a S`iva |
R. H. David |
107 to 119 |
4 |
Having Become a God |
V. Dviveda |
121 to 138 |
5 |
Svacchanda Tantra |
T. Goudriaan |
139 to 173 |
6 |
Pan~ca-ratra |
S. Gupta |
175 to 208 |
7 |
Pas`u-pata Studies |
M. Hara |
209 to 226 |
8 |
Tantric Meditation |
P. E. Muller-Ortega |
227 to 245 |
9 |
Tantric Tradition of Kas`mir |
N. Rastogi |
247 to 280 |
10 |
Malini-vijaya-uttara Tantra |
A. Sanderson |
281 to 312 |
11 |
Kubjika Upa-nis.ad |
J. A. Schoterman |
313 to 326 |
12 |
Prati-abhi-jn~a |
R. Torella |
327 to 345 |
Capp. 1-4
1 |
Jn~ana and Kriya in the S`aiva-agama-s |
He'le`ne Brunner |
1 to 59 |
pp. 12, 20, p. 41, n. 1:21 the Vidya-is`vara-s
p. 41, n. 1:21 |
"the impure worlds are ... created directly ... by Ananta, the highest of the almost-liberated souls, called Vidyes`varas, who is ... delegate for all the actions affecting the domain of maya." |
p. 12 |
"At the top, just below S`iva, we find ... the Vidyes`varas ... together with some S`aktis". |
p. 20 |
The supreme goddess "is invoked, under the name of Manonmani, on the receptacle of the lotus that constitutes the uppermost part of the throne and surrounded by eight S`aktis installed on the petals. Opinions ... vary about these eight, some authors connecting them with the eight Vidyes`varas ... ". |
p. 47, n. 1:65 doctrines peculiar to S`aiva denominations
doctrine |
its denomination |
sam-kranti |
Pas`u-pata |
ud-patti |
Maha-vratin |
a-ves`a |
Kapalika |
2 |
On Puras`caran.a : Kula-arn.ava Tantra |
Gudrun Bu:hnemann |
61 to 106 |
pp. 90-4 appellations of mantra-s by way of bija-s contained
p. |
n. 2:__ |
appellation |
bija-s |
90 |
71 |
ruddha |
[earthy] LAM twice at tbe beginning, middle, and end |
76 |
bhedita |
VAS.AT. at the beginning, and HRAS in the middle |
91 |
83 |
stambhita |
PHAT. & LA in the middle, and PHAT. & LA twice at the end |
84 |
murcchita |
PHAT. in the middle |
86 |
kilita |
not having the any of the following at the beginning, middle, nor end : HAMSAS, HAUM, AIM, HAM, SAS, PHREM, HUM, HRIM |
90 |
paran-mukha |
KLIM at the begining, and HRIM or KROM at the end |
91 |
chinna |
[ae:ry] YAM at the beginning, middle, or end; or containeth HRAM, HRIM, HRUM, HRAIM, or HRAUM 3, 4, or 5 times |
92 |
92 |
badhira |
not having HAM or SAM at the beginning, middle, nor end |
93 |
andha |
doth not contain RA, HA, or SA |
102 |
dhvasta |
containeth KLIM, HRIM, and KROM |
103 |
nis-bija |
having NAMAS at the end, and SVAHA in the middle |
93 |
105 |
supta |
of 3 syllables, not having HAMSAS |
106 |
tiras-kr.ta |
having DAor HUM in the middle, and PHAT. twice at the end |
108 |
malina |
having MA 4 times at the beginning, middle, and end |
112 |
dagdha |
having RA and VA combined 7 times at the end |
120 |
-virya |
ending in PHAT. |
93-4 |
121 |
bhra- |
having PHAT. 4 times at the beginning, middle, and end |
94 |
130 |
a-ha-sa |
without HA and SA |
pp. 91, 93-4 appellations of mantra-s by miscellaneous ways
p. |
n. 2:__ |
appellation |
way |
91 |
82 |
garvita |
"not been received in a regular initiation" |
85 |
matta |
"been taken from a leaf ["of a manuscript"]" |
93 |
111 |
nis-jita |
"that cannot be perfected because of the reciter's stock of bad karma from previous lives" |
94 |
126 |
s`atru |
[pp. 80-1, verses 81-5 destroying one own family] |
pp. 94-5 rites removing defects of mantra-s
p. |
n. 2:__ |
appellation |
mode of removal |
94 |
132 |
janana |
"extraction of the syllables of the mantra one by one from the alphabet" |
133 |
jivana |
each syllable separately praefixed by OM |
134 |
tad.ana |
"having written down the syllables, one should sprinkle each syllable with sandal[wood] water while reciting YAM." |
94-5 |
135 |
bodhana |
"having written down the mantra, one should touch it with as many red oleander flowers as there are syllables ... while repeating RAM." |
95 |
136 |
abhis.eka |
"sprinkle the syllables ... with water ... with as many twigs of the As`vattha {'fig'} tree as there are syllables". |
137 |
vimali-karan.a |
"burn its three impurities with the recitation of the "light" mantra, OM HRAUM." |
138 |
apya-ayana |
"sprinking each syllable of the written mantra with water ... with Kus`a grass." |
139 |
tarpan.a |
"one offers water to it by saying, "I satiate mantra X."" |
140 |
dipana |
"prefixing of OM HRIM S`RIM". |
141 |
gupti |
"keeping secret the mantra that one repeats." |
p. 80, verse 81 relative number of repetitions (in japa) for perfecting the siddha mantra-s
siddha-__ mantra |
is perfected by japa of __ its praescribed repetitions |
__-siddha |
full number |
__-sadhya |
double |
__-su-siddha |
half |
p. 80, verse 82 ease of perfecting the sadhya mantra-s
sadhya-__ mantra |
is __ perfected |
__-siddha |
"with much difficulty" |
__-sadhya |
not |
__-su-siddha |
by dividing the number of repetitions |
pp. 80-1, verse 83 ease of perfecting the su-siddha mantra-s
p. |
su-siddha-__ mantra |
is __ perfected |
80 |
__-siddha |
by one-half number of japa |
80-1 |
__-sadhya |
["double the number" (p. 97, n. 2:150) of japa] |
81 |
__-su-siddha |
"by merely adopting it" |
p. 81, verse 84 that which is destroyed by ari mantra-s
ari-__ mantra |
destroyeth __ |
-__siddha |
the son |
-__sadhya |
the wife |
-__su-siddha |
"oneself" |
p. 81, verse 85 that which the categories of mantra-s are considered as
__ mantra-s |
are considered as __ |
siddha |
"relatives" |
sadhya |
"servants" |
su-siddha |
"supporters" |
ari |
"destroyers" |
p. 81, verse 87 syllables assigned to the naks.atra-s, in regular order :
pra pa la bho pa t.u pra hyam ru dra sya dri ru rus ka ram lo ka lo pa pa t.u pra yas kha lau yo |
"But those two syllables ending in ... [anu-svara & visarga (/M /& /H./, i.e. /S/)] form part of the [naks.atra] Revati." |
p. 98, n. 155 assignment of numbers to the consonants (this scheme being assigned to Vara-ruci in the Pada-artha-dars`a by Raghava-bhat.t.a)
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
k |
kh |
g |
gh |
c |
ch |
j |
jh |
n~ |
t. |
t.h |
d. |
d.h |
n. |
t |
th |
d |
dh |
p |
ph |
b |
bh |
m |
y |
r |
l |
v |
s` |
s. |
s |
h |
p. 103, n. 166 assignment of the letters of the alphabet to the elements
vayu (air) |
udra (water) |
bhu (earth) |
jala (water) |
akas`a (aither) |
a |
i |
u |
r. |
l. |
a |
i |
u |
r. |
l. |
e |
ai |
o |
au |
m |
k |
kh |
g |
gh |
n |
c |
ch |
j |
jh |
n~ |
t. |
t.h |
d. |
d.h |
n. |
t |
th |
d |
dh |
n |
p |
ph |
b |
bh |
m |
y |
r |
l |
v |
s` |
s. |
lh |
s |
h |
3 |
Becoming a S`iva ... in S`aiva Worship |
Richard H. David |
107 to 119 |
p. 107 the 4 pada-s ('feet') stood on by each agama
jn~ana (knowledge), kriya ("ritual action"), carya ("proper conduct"), yoga ("disciplinary practice") |
p. 109 "substantive worlds in which souls reside"
sr.s.t.i ("emission"), sthiti ("maintenance"), sam-hara ("reabsorption"). |
These are "the tattvas, the "suchnesses" that constitute material being, out of and back into their source-substances maya and mahamaya." |
{These terms, /tattva/, /maya/, and /maha-maya/, are the primary terms likewise of Bauddha metaphysics.} |
p. 110 alleged transmutations of substance between subtle and gross
"Emission indicates a movement from subtle (suks.ma) to gross (sthula) ...; reabsorption indicates the converse." |
{Actually, the suks.ma kaya-s (including astral, mental, and causal bodies) cannot by any means whatesover be transmuted into sthula kaya-s (material bodies), as anyone who hath even performed any astral projection, or even who hath ever dreamt a dream, is fully aware by personal experience. Neither can any object found in a dream be transformed into a material object in the waking world, nor do deities visiting (from the dream-world) the waking world ever assume material bodies in waking world, but continue to occupy subtle (astral, mental, or causal) bodies so long as they are visiting the waking world. There is no reason to believe that this limitation was ever non-existent in the past, or that it will ever become non-existent in the future.} |
{It unnecessary to deal any further with S`aiva metaphyics of this sort, seeing that it is based of such a fundamental error as to vitiate itself quite thoroughly.}
p. 114 assignments to bodily membres of the 5 faces of S`iva
face |
bodily membre |
Is`ana |
top of head |
Tad-purus.a |
mouth |
A-ghora |
heart |
Vama |
genitalia |
Sadyas-jata |
feet |
4 |
Having Become a God ... to the Gods |
Vrajavallabha Dviveda |
121 to 138 |
p. 121 become a deity
Br.had Aran.yaka Upa-nis.ad 4:1 : "Having become a god, he attains the gods." |
{Having received and entred a divine body in the divine dream-world, one thereby attaineth to acceptance by the deities to temporary (for the duration of that dream) interaction with them.} |
p. 121 knowledge of truth
S`ata-patha Brahman.a 1:1:1:4 : "Human beings verily are untruth and gods are truth." |
{Mortals are lacking in true knowledge of particulars concerning distant regions of the universe; but immortals, through universal telepathy, have access to such true knowledge.} |
pp. 122-3 the r.s.i & the poietic metre for the elemental world of each cakra (beginning, however, with the sthula 'material' deha 'body')
p. |
r.s.i |
devata |
chandas |
shape |
color |
bija |
122 |
atman |
parama-atman |
prakr.ti |
? |
? |
? |
Brahma |
Pr.thivi |
gayatri |
quadrangular |
yellow |
Hiran.ya-garbha |
Varun.a |
anus.t.ubh |
bow-shaped |
white |
Agni Jata-vedas |
red |
123 |
Kis.-kindha |
Vayu |
br.hati |
round |
dark-blue |
Rudra |
parama-atman |
tris.t.ubh |
formless |
colorless |
p. 123 to be each dissolved into its successor :
aham-kara (egotism); maha-tattva (= mahant); maya; atman (=purus.a); highest Brahman |
p. 125 of the mantra of the installations of the breaths
the bija is AM on the genitalia |
the s`akti is HRIM on the feet |
the kilaka ('pin') is KRAUM on the whole boby |
p. 126 syllables on the bodily substances
syllable |
is assigned to __ |
tvac ('skin') |
rakta ('blood') |
mamsa ('flesh') |
meda ('fat') |
asthi ('bone') |
S[.]AM |
majja ('marrow') |
S`AM |
s`ukta ('genital fluid') |
p. 129 the 4 kinds of worship, according to the Cit-gagana-candrika
kind of worship |
is __ |
cara |
"rule of conduct" |
rava |
"reflection" (vimars`a) |
caru |
varieties of food |
mudra |
"mode of dressing and the particular position of hands" |
p. 133 para worship of god Kama-is`vara & goddess Kama-is`vari
quoted from the Yogini-hr.daya (3:5-7) :- "Having meditated ... in the Vagbhava ... situated in the great cluster of lotuses {lotoi} (in the brahmarandhra), ... that showers supreme ambrosia; ... always turned inward; ... by the expansion of Citkala, he is thus extremely replendent. |
The meaning of this passage should be known from its commentary, the Dipika. This real nature of the union of Kames`vara and Kames`vari, who consist of "light" and "reflection," is propitiated as based upon ... Kamakala, with ... expansion in the nondual great bindu". |
p. 135 parapara worship
"In the fifteenth and in the twenty-ninth Ahnikas of the Tantraloka the method of worship called parapara ... is discussed ... as based upon the Vamacara ... . ... In the Tantralokaviveha, twelve substances are enumerated as "... ks.mabhava, he-goat (meat), minaja (fish meat), s`akuniyaka (bird meat), onion and garlic ..." (29.17); and the "five ge[r]ms" ... : "... retas [semen virile], [menstrual] blood (rajas), nalajya, vis`vanirgama" (29.200). ... The secret worship accomplished with these is called parapara. In the course of time the pair of substances called kun.d.a-golaka came to be included". |
p. 138, n. 4:13 directions of deities (according to the Is`ana-s`iva-guru-deva-paddhati, pt. 3, p. 36)
deity |
that deity's vertical direction |
same deity's horizontal direction |
Brahma |
zenith |
north by northeast, betwixt Indra (east) & Is`ana (northeast) |
An-anta |
nadir |
southwest by south, betwixt Nis.-r.ti (southwest) & Varun.a (west) |
Teun Goudriaan (ed.) : Ritual and Speculation in Early Tantrism : studies in honor of Andre' Padoux. State U of NY Pr, Albany, 1992.