The Tibet Journal (published by the
Library of Tibetan Works & Archives,
Dharamsala, Distt. Kangra, H.P., India)
Vol. 1, # 1 (July-Sept 1975)
pp. 94-104 Bhagwan Dash: "Ayurveda in Tibet"
pp. 101-102 characteristic development of embryo
p. |
gestation-week |
development of __ |
101 |
1st |
(mucilaginous) |
2nd |
nur-nur-po = kalala (jelly-like) |
3rd |
determination of gender ("change of the sex") |
4th |
round if male; tumor-shaped if female |
5th |
navel (umbilicus) |
6th |
navel connected with vessels |
7th |
eyen |
8th |
head |
9th |
trunk |
10th |
shoulders & hips |
11th |
remaining sense-organs |
12th |
5 vital organs |
13th |
6 viscera |
14th |
femur & humerus |
15th |
legs, hands, forearms |
16th |
20 digits |
17th |
tendons |
102 |
18th |
flesh & fat |
19th |
16 large glands |
20th |
remaining bones |
21st |
skin |
22nd |
openings of sense-organs |
23rd |
hair & nails |
24th |
abdominal & thoracic organs |
25th |
internal wind |
26th |
mind, memory |
27th |
28th |
29th |
30th |
31st |
32nd |
33rd |
34th |
35th |
36th |
gzi-mdans = ojas |
37th |
intellect |
38th |
(parturition) |
Vol. 1, # 2 (April/June 1976)
pp. 47-58 Gary Houston: "Mandalas : Ritual and Functional"
p. 51
__-vijn~ana |
__ consciousness |
manas- |
empirical |
alaya- |
universal |
the overlap of the twain being manas
Vol. 1, #s "3 & 4" (Autumn 1976)
pp. 32-44 Alex Wayman: "Aspects of Hindu and Buddhist Tantra"
pp. 37-39 the 17 in the commentary by Buddha-guhya on the Sarva-dus-gati-pari-s`odhana Tantra
p. |
# |
asava, kles`a ('defilement') |
its remedy |
to be applied, as adhi-s.t.hana ('blessing'), to the __ |
37-8 |
1st |
a-vidya ('nescience') |
upa-hr.daya of Ratna-ketu |
head |
38 |
2nd |
sam-skara ('motivation') |
upa-hr.daya of S`akya-muni |
shoulders, motivating action |
3rd |
vi-jn~ana ('perception') |
hr.daya of Vai-rocana |
heart, place of awareness |
4th |
nama-rupa ('name-&-form') |
bija of Vai-rocana |
waist, arising-place of aggregates |
5th |
sad.-ayatana ('6 senses') |
upa-hr.daya of Vai-rocana |
ears, like unto "twisted birchbark" |
6th |
spars`a ('contact') |
upa-hr.daya of Sam-kusumita |
nose, like unto "needles of molten copper" |
7th |
vedana ('feelings') |
hr.daya of Sam-kusumita |
forehead, where complexion shineth |
8th |
trs.n.a ('craving') |
hr.daya of S`akya-muni |
mouth, place of craving for food |
38-9 |
9th |
upa-adana ('indulgence') |
bija of Dus-gati-pari-s`odhana |
knees, extending & retracting |
39 |
10th |
bhava ('gestation') |
bija of Ratna-ketu |
legs, running |
11th |
jati ('birth') |
contemplation of Ratna |
genitals, procreating |
12th |
jara ('old age') |
bija of Sam-kusumita |
crown of head, place of white hair |
13th |
maran.a ('death') |
hr.daya of Ratna-ketu |
throat, for breathing |
14th |
s`oka ('grief') |
bija of S`akya-muni |
ankle, as joint |
15th |
pari-deva ('lamentation') |
bija into s`unyata |
eyen, whence flow tears |
16th |
dus-kha ('misery') |
upa-hr.daya of Dus-gati-pari-s`odhana |
urn.a-kos`a, source of brightness |
17th |
daus-manasya ('dissatisfaction') |
hr.daya of Dus-gati-pari-s`odhana |
tip of nose, whence ariseth perception |
The Tibet Journal (published by the
Library of Tibetan Works & Archives,
Dharamsala, Distt. Kangra, H.P., India)
Vol. II, # 4 (Winter 1977)
pp. 13-16 Helmut Hoffman: "The Ancient Tibetan Cosmology"
pp. 14-15 Bon cosmogony
p. |
sequence of generations in genealogical cosmogony |
14 |
light as father |
ray as mother |
darkness |
brightness |
cold wind [coldness & wind?] |
pale hoar-frost |
dew |
"a lake like unto a mirror", whereon "a membrane formed itself and rounded {bubblelike? -- cf. S`afi<i^ cosmogony} into an egg" |
hatched from egg : small black bird "provided with light" |
hatched from same egg: small white bird, "provided with darkness" |
that light |
that darkness |
white egg |
black egg |
speckled egg |
hatched from white egg : |
from white egg's __ |
was hatched __ |
outer shell |
a divine rock |
"middle membrane" [enclosing albumen?] |
"Throne-Division's Realm" of light |
"inner fluid" [albumen?] |
conch-white hybrid yak-cow |
"inner shell" [membrane enclosing yolk?] |
3 deities : (1st ) world-god "White Light"; (2nd ) white "All-Wise Defender of Men" {cf. Aleks-andros}; (3rd ) "Conch-White, Provided with Men" god |
hatched from black egg : |
black "Proud Man" |
Dril-rag dPun-bkra ("Black Heap, Colored Heap") |
hatched from speckled egg : |
shining "Wish-Requaesting Man", who had : |
no __ |
eye |
ear |
nose |
tongue |
hand |
foot |
wherewith to __ |
see |
hear |
smell |
taste |
reach out |
walk |
but instead had a __ |
spirit |
wherewith to __ |
think |
and which served him to __ |
see |
hear |
smell |
taste |
reach out |
walk |
furthermore, that "Wish-Requaesting Man" |
"named himself as": |
world-god Sans-po >Bum-khri |
and "was also called": |
Ye-smon rgyal-po |
he placed : |
gold & turquoise |
conch & cornelian |
quartz & ore-stone |
to his : |
left |
right |
front |
so that they became: |
gold mountain & turquoise valley |
conch mountain & cornelian mountain |
quartz cliff & lake of light |
whence originated the __ (race): |
Phya |
dMu |
gTzugs |
p. 15 |
the son __ : |
sPyi-gtzug rGyal-ba |
>Phrul-bu dBan-ldan |
married the __ woman : |
conch Run-mo |
white gN~an |
(pp. 15 & 14) |
they are (/ had as progeny): |
p. 15 the 3 (out of their 4) sons who did not swear falsely |
p. 15 "When they changed into horses and joined, our white-footed pony … originated. {cf. De-meter copulating with Poseidon (GM 16.f)} |
p. 14 "the red-brown worms; |
(pp. 15 & 14) |
When they had united as yaks, our wild, white yak originated. {cf. bull of Poseidon (GM 88.c)} |
the light-grey grasshoppers {cf. Navaho grasshopper deities} and |
(pp. 15 & 14) |
When they transformed into sheep and joined, the fair ram originated." {cf. ewe copulating at Kroumissa i. with Poseidon (GM 70.l)} |
five-horned insects." |
(pp. 15 & 14) |
p. 15 the son (out of 4) Phya-bla Bran-s`in who swore falsely |
as "son of" Poseidon (GM 98.i), Theseus, was unable to fulfill the oath which he had sworn (GM 103.c) |
p. 14 the entire race of kLu (Naga-s) |
GM = Robert Graves: The Greek Myths. 1955.
p. 15 the 37 sons of the Phya lord Yab-lha bDal-drug
by the goddess __ |
+T>an |
of the Srin |
of the gN~an |
of the dMu |
he had __ divine sons |
9 |
9 |
1, namely lHan-lhan |
12 |
[these total 31 -- are there another 6?]
p. 15 the 18 beautiful bodily marks of rTin-khri Tzan-bar lHa {cf. those of Diarmaid}
on his __ |
was a __ |
top of head |
golden stupa like a full moon |
above right eye |
like a rising sun |
above left eye |
white moon from moonlight |
between eyebrows |
small black dot |
over right shoulder |
likeness of Bon temple Kho-ma Ru-rin |
above left shoulder |
crystal-like stupa of 9 tiers |
above upper chest |
like tigre crouching upon soil |
above right ribs |
white hair-fleck |
above left ribs |
black hair-fleck |
right shank |
serpent coiled downwards |
back of left leg |
iron bee furnished with eyen |
left sole's arch |
upward-jumping frog |
[these number 12 -- were there a further 6?]
pp. 15-16 world-god sNe-phrom La-khra (youngest of the 37) & his son
p. |
sNe-phrom La-khra __ |
to __ |
details |
15 |
passed down 13 higher rungs |
earth |
during spring month Sa-ga |
descended 9 rungs of spirits' ladder |
peak of mt. rMog-pho ("Helmut") |
there he saw a white-blemished woman weaving |
16 |
was hidden by that woman from Srin daimon who was seeking a victim to carry off; so the Srin carried off instead a monkey magically produced from the semblance of one woven in the fabric {cf. painting of monkey which came to life at instigation by the devil Pehar, in Tib.J., vol. 4, # 2, (Summer 1979) p. 54} |
"disappeared" |
the Srin's pale hound (which had not departed with him despite being commanded by the Srin to do so) was thereupon struck by the woman with a weaving-instrument, "so hard that the teeth broke out", and then "When he hit his eye, the eye popped out." {cf. [Aztec day-sign] Itzcuintli 'hound' followed by [day-sign] Malinalli (depicted to include eye)} |
married the weaving-woman, so they had 3 sons, of whom: |
in water perished one of the 3 |
namely, >Thin-po |
in fire perished another of the 3 |
namely, >Thin-mig |
a daimon's arrow met still another of the 3 |
namely, >Thin-ge |
>Thin-ge married __ |
of the __ (class of deities) |
so that the progeny born to this union were __ |
white princess |
Phya |
Bod->dzom La-phrom |
Khri-ma |
dMu |
rGya-khri La-bz`es |
Khri-mo |
Khri |
Hor |
dByig-sna-ma |
? |
Bod |
>Jan |
Li |
daimoness |
gN~an |
a monkey |
an ox |
a badger |
a bear |