Sadhana (exercises)
seiki taisou (SS) |
salah (PS) |
Surya namas-kara (DY) |
Potala (ST) |
# |
# |
# |
1. |
palms on thighs |
1. |
2. |
hands on eyen |
2. |
takbir tahrimah: hands at ears |
3. |
hands together at belly |
3. |
qiyam: hands together at belly |
1. |
palms together "Mitra" |
1. |
palms together |
4. |
hands together above head |
2. |
hands above head "Ravi" |
3. |
"Surya" |
5. |
right arm extended laterally, look at its hand |
4. |
right leg extended backward, look up "Bhanu" |
6. |
left ditto |
7. |
right hand down |
8. |
left ditto |
9. |
face upward, arms behind |
10. |
arms behind |
11. |
legs apart, arms behind |
12. |
soles & palms on ground |
4. |
ruku<: soles on ground, palms on knees |
5. |
soles & palms on ground "Kha-ga" |
2. |
soles |
13. |
fingers downward, face downward |
5. |
qawmah: fingers downward, face downward |
14. |
fingers downward laterally |
6. |
sajdah: toes, palms, and forehead to floor |
6. |
toes, palms, and chin to floor "" |
15. |
right arm forward |
16. |
left ditto |
17. |
face upward, fists on thighs |
7. |
lift head, hands on thighs |
7. |
bhuja-anga: face upward "Hiran.ya-garbha" "gold embryo" |
23:3. |
stacked gold coins; |
8. |
9. |
recite "Opening" (chapter of Qur>an) |
23:6. |
stretch (open) wings |
18. |
face to left, fists on thighs |
19. |
face down, fists on thighs |
10. |
face down, hands on knees |
20. |
arms to the right |
11. |
21. |
ditto left |
12. |
22. |
twist torso to left |
13. |
3. |
shake body |
23. |
centre the torso |
14. |
24. |
outstretch left arm |
15. |
25. |
perform twists |
16. |
turn head right & left |
4. |
rotate right & left |
26. |
raise arms & legs |
17a. |
raise hands |
27. |
raise arms & legs laterally |
28. |
extend arms laterally |
5. |
hands outwards, h. br. |
29. |
extend arms laterally, bend torso forward |
8. |
parvata "mountain" (PY) |
6. |
"stone": hands laterally |
9. |
7. |
30. |
step alternate feet onto stool (one foot at a time) |
10. |
eka-pada "one foot" (U) |
8. |
alternate, h. br. |
31. |
face body various directions, with hands together behind head |
9. |
interlock hands |
32. |
knock alternate heels on floor |
17. |
shake legs |
33. |
right arm forward, raise right foot |
11. |
hasta-pada "hand foot" (U) |
34. |
lean torso forward, right arm behind back, left arm extended laterally |
17b. |
say one's du<a (wit of one's own creativity) |
12. |
Bhas-kara "language-creation" |
[sensei is performed with eyen closed]
SS = Bradford Keeney: Ikuko Osumi, Sensei. Ringing Rocks Pr, 1999.
PS = Jinnah Ali: The Performance of Salaah. Trinidad. pp. 43-53
DY =
U = (scroll)
PY =
ST = Ian A. Baker: The Dalai Lama's Secret Temple. Thames & Hudson, 2000. pp. 63-64
the 6 bija mantra-s for 6 postures of Surya namas-kara: "And then repeat the six mantra-s again for the next six poses."
1st & 7th |
hram |
2nd & 8th |
hrim |
3rd & 9th |
hrum |
4th & 10th |
hraim |
5th & 11th |
hraum |
6th & 12th |
hras |
{this repetition of the 6 to total 12 is reminiscent of the Yuma 6-month cycle}