Subtable of Contents: Middle AmerIndian & Pueblo Indian (these are classed together on account of diet : all are chile-eaters)


Central America including Yucata`n


Mola ... Person Kuna (of Panama`)

Phantom Gringo Boat Embera` (of Panama`)


ritual of the Bacabob

Maya acupuncture

Maya miscellany

Meso-American calendar



southern Me`xico (excluding Yucata`n)


Tlalocan shamanic journey to the netherworld



Northern Me`xico


Land of Peyote pilgrimage to Wirikuta


Shaman's Mirror Wic^ol

1. "Path to the Sierra Madre".

2-3. "Wixa`rika"; "Kakauyari".

4. "Gifts for the Gods".

5-9. "Sacred Yarn"; "Nierika"; "Founders"; "Making Yarn"; "Colors Speak".

10-16. "Vision"; "Visionary"; "Deified Heart"; "Magical Power"'; "Market"; "Influence"; "Aisthetics".


Yoeme lore of the Yaki


Tall Candle a Yaki biography

0. "Introduction".

1-5. "Colorada"; "Hermosillo"; "The Border"'; "Marriage"; "The West".

6-10. "Heaven"; "Loreta"; "Javiela"; "Ri`o Yaki"; "Torim I".

11-15. "Vicam"; "Torim II"; "Torim III"; "Travels"; "Lubbock".


Queen of Dreams Yaki dreaming-woman

0-2. "Appointment"; "River"; "Bride".

3-4. "Men and Death"; "Come Hither".

5-6. "Burning Candles"; "Crocodile Moon".

7-8. "Day of the Skull"; "Coming back to Paradise".

9. "Dark Lord".

10. "Serpent and Hummingbird".



Pueblo of Arizona & New Mexico


Hopi Stories of Shamanism Arizona

My Last 40 Days Tewa (of New Mexico)

I Become Part of It (pp. 21-157 concern Pueblo tribes)

Cuchama and the Sacred Mountains Pueblo




AmerIndians -- YouTube PLAYLISTS

native North American (North-AmerIndian) traditional music -- YouTube PLAYLISTS


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