Subtable of Contents: South AmerIndian & Antilles AmerIndian


South American generally


Peruvian burial customs

Conviviality in Native Amazonia

Leader as Servant

"shamans, prophets, priests" southeastern Colombia

Beyond the Visible and the Material

In Darkness and Secrecy (north of Maran~on)

In Darkness and Secrecy (south of Maran~on)

deities encountred by shamans Ecuador & Venezuela


Animism in Rainforest and Tundra Amazonia

1. "Too Many Owners : Mastery and Ownership in Amazonia".

5 & 7 & 9. " Food Among the Kanamari"; "Agency in an Amazonian Cosmos"; "Transformability in Northern Amazonia".


The Occult Life of Things Amazonia

1-3. "Northwest Amazonia"; "Alterity among the Mamainde^"; "Urarina Technologies"

4-6. "Yanes^a Lived World"; "Objects among the Wauja"; "Valuables among the Kayapo`"

7-10. "Matis Materiality"; "Cas^inawa Image-Making"; "Runa Wordview"; "Wakue`nai Ontology"


South American specific tribes


Shamans of the Foye Tree Araukan in Chile

Warani` Shamans of the Forest in Paraway

Kinship with Monkeys Waz^a in Maranha~o, Brazil

"Shamanism ... among the Asurini`" on the middle Xingu` river, in Brazil

I Foresee My Life Kayabi immigrants from the Tapajo`s river, in Brazil

The Last Shaman Harakmbut in south-eastern Peru`

Deliverance from Chaos Amues^a in central eastern Peru`

I am Tsunki S^uar in south-eastern Ecuador

Embarkations (I-III) Choco` in western Colombia

Cool Tobacco, Sweet Coca Uitoto of southeastern Colombia

Yukuna & Tanimuka cosmology in southeastern Colombia

"Brain and Mind in Desana shamanism" on upper Uaupe's river, in central eastern Colombia

Daxsea Mahsa on lower Uaupe`s river, in Brazil

Patamuna kanaima` in central western British Wayana

non-Patamuna kanaima`

Tales of the Yanomami upper Orinoco, in Venezuela

To Weave and Sing Yekuana (So>to)


Spears of Twilight Ac^uar of Ecuador-Peru` border

1-2 & 6-10 & 13-14 "Magic"; "Dreams"; "Hunting"; "Reflections"

15-16 & 19-20 "His Due"; "Revelation"; "Drinking"; "Song"

21 & 23-24 "Craftsmen"; "The Living & the Dead"; "De'nouement"


Mysteries of the Jaguar Shamans Desana of Colombia-Brazil border






Music of the Warao Orinoco delta

1-3. "Musical Contexts"; "Canoe People"; "Musical Background"

4-6. "Musical Instruments"; "Dakotu "; "Hoerekitane"

7-9. "Shaman Songs"

10-15. "hoa Songs"; "Magical Songs"; "Festival Music"; "Music as Power"



Heart Drum originating from Carib of St. Vincent



AmerIndians -- YouTube PLAYLISTS

icaro -- YouTube PLAYLISTS


photographs of South-AmerIndian women -- Bing WEBLINKS

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