South American generally
Conviviality in Native Amazonia
"shamans, prophets, priests" southeastern Colombia
Beyond the Visible and the Material
In Darkness and Secrecy (north of Maran~on)
In Darkness and Secrecy (south of Maran~on)
deities encountred by shamans Ecuador & Venezuela
Animism in Rainforest and Tundra Amazonia
1. "Too Many Owners : Mastery and Ownership in Amazonia".
5 & 7 & 9. " Food Among the Kanamari"; "Agency in an Amazonian Cosmos"; "Transformability in Northern Amazonia".
The Occult Life of Things Amazonia
1-3. "Northwest Amazonia"; "Alterity among the Mamainde^"; "Urarina Technologies"
4-6. "Yanes^a Lived World"; "Objects among the Wauja"; "Valuables among the Kayapo`"
7-10. "Matis Materiality"; "Cas^inawa Image-Making"; "Runa Wordview"; "Wakue`nai Ontology"
South American specific tribes
Shamans of the Foye Tree Araukan in Chile
Warani` Shamans of the Forest in Paraway
Kinship with Monkeys Waz^a in Maranha~o, Brazil
"Shamanism ... among the Asurini`" on the middle Xingu` river, in Brazil
I Foresee My Life Kayabi immigrants from the Tapajo`s river, in Brazil
The Last Shaman Harakmbut in south-eastern Peru`
Deliverance from Chaos Amues^a in central eastern Peru`
I am Tsunki S^uar in south-eastern Ecuador
Embarkations (I-III) Choco` in western Colombia
Cool Tobacco, Sweet Coca Uitoto of southeastern Colombia
Yukuna & Tanimuka cosmology in southeastern Colombia
"Brain and Mind in Desana shamanism" on upper Uaupe's river, in central eastern Colombia
Daxsea Mahsa on lower Uaupe`s river, in Brazil
Patamuna kanaima` in central western British Wayana
Tales of the Yanomami upper Orinoco, in Venezuela
To Weave and Sing Yekuana (So>to)
Spears of Twilight Ac^uar of Ecuador-Peru` border
1-2 & 6-10 & 13-14 "Magic"; "Dreams"; "Hunting"; "Reflections"
15-16 & 19-20 "His Due"; "Revelation"; "Drinking"; "Song"
21 & 23-24 "Craftsmen"; "The Living & the Dead"; "De'nouement"
Mysteries of the Jaguar Shamans Desana of Colombia-Brazil border
Music of the Warao Orinoco delta
1-3. "Musical Contexts"; "Canoe People"; "Musical Background"
4-6. "Musical Instruments"; "Dakotu "; "Hoerekitane"
7-9. "Shaman Songs"
10-15. "hoa Songs"; "Magical Songs"; "Festival Music"; "Music as Power"
Heart Drum originating from Carib of St. Vincent
AmerIndians -- YouTube PLAYLISTS
photographs of South-AmerIndian women -- Bing WEBLINKS
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