Sub-Table of Contents: Hina-yana texts



of non-Sthavira-vada provenience


Champions of Buddhism.

I.1A. "On Saints".

I.1B. "On Wizards".

I.2. "Longevity of Weikza".

I.3. "Spirits versus Weikza".

II.1 (4)-II.2 (5). "World-Emperor"; "Rituals of Pagoda-Building".

III.1 (6). "Sacred Diagrams as Technologies".

III.2 (7). "Healing through Weikza".

III.3 (8). "Being an Exorcist in Burma".

IV (9). "What Kind of Buddhism is That?"


The Immortals.

1. "From Belief to Believing".

2A. "Being a Disciple".

2B. "Fashioning a Cult".

3-4. "The Possessed"; "In Quaest of Invulnerability".

5. "Trial By Fire".


Buddhism : Critical Concepts

Vols. 1-2

Vols. 3-5



Sthavira-vada texts

Tham Khwan Thai beliefs

"Summary of 7 Bks of Abhi-dharma"


Sthavira-vada exorcism

Feast of the Sorcerer




Hiina-yaana Chants -- PLAYLISTS

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