Sub-Table of Contents: Vajra-yana texts


Tantrik Practices and Their Performers in Bod rN~in-ma & Bon

0-3. "Introduction"; "Burial-Grounds"; "Consort-Practices"; "Treasure-Revealers"

4-7. "Rituals in Bhutan"; "Ala & Ngakpa"; "Spirit-Media"; "sPrul-sku Rebirth"


Wellsprings of the Great Perfection

rN~ing-ma paramparaa as allegory

Wellsprings of the Great Perfection, 0-1

Wellsprings of the Great Perfection, 2

Wellsprings of the Great Perfection, 3


Golden Letters

1.4. "Commentary on Special Teachings of the Wise and Glorious King"

1.6. "Commentary on Last Testament of dGa>-rab rDo-rje"

2. "Life of dGa>-rab rDo-rje"

3. "Historical Origins of rDzogs-chen"


Cycle of Day and Night

1. "Cycle of Day and Night"

2-3. "Notes to the Text"; "Biography of the Author"


other rN~in-ma texts

Establishing Appearances as Divine

Marvelous Garland of Rare Gems

Deity, Mantra, and Wisdom

Hidden Teachings

Bodish Treasure literature

Great Liberation by Hearing

Cult of Vajra-kiila

Vast Commentary on Vajra-kiila

Dark Red Amulet

Stainless Mirror of Jewels

Natural Appearances, Natural Liberation

Self-Liberation through ... Awareness

Luminous Essence (commentary on the Guhya-garbha Tantra)

Thorough Dispelling of Darkness (commentary on the Guhya-garbha Tantra)

"Se`ances with Tibetan Spirit-Media"


Jo-nan & "Elemental Divination" texts

Other-Emptiness & the Buddha-Matrix

White Beryl (Vaid.uurya dKar-po), 1

White Beryl (Vaid.uurya dKar-po), 2

White Beryl (Vaid.uurya dKar-po), 3

White Beryl (Vaid.uurya dKar-po), 10

White Beryl (Vaid.uurya dKar-po), 11


Treasury of Knowledge

6.4 = Systems of Buddhist Tantra

8.3 = Elements of Tantrik Practice

8.4 = Esoteric Instructions


Dalai bLama-s on Tantra

1. "Brief Guide to the Bauddha Tantra-s"

3. "Treatise on the 6 Yoga-s"

6. "Two Yaugik Stages of Kaala-cakra"

8. "Two Yaugik Stages of Vajra-bhairava Tantra"


other Vajra-yana, in sTod-Bod

Tantrik Manuscripts from Dun-huang

Snowlion's Turquoise Mane

Hundred Thousand Rays of the Sun Z`i-byed

Travels in the Netherworld

Tantrik Buddhism anthology

miscellaneous Vajra-yaana texts


Vajra-yana, elsewhere than sTod-Bod

yoga-tantra in Java

Illuminating Secret Commentary S^in-gon


canonical Vajra-yana Tantra-s

Amr@ta-hr@daya Tantra

Mahaa-mudraa Tantra

Vajra-mahaa-Bhairava Tantra

Buddha-kapaala Tantra 9-14

Cakra-Samvara Tantra I-XIX

Cakra-Samvara Tantra XX-XXIV

Cakra-Samvara Tantra XXV-XXXVIII

Cakra-Samvara Tantra XXXIX-LI


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